henon / Python.Included

A Python.NET based framework enabling .NET libraries to call into Python packages without depending on a local Python installation.
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improve-wheel-installation #16

Closed katjoek closed 3 years ago

katjoek commented 3 years ago

I don't know what the expected line ending is supposed to be. I get the impression that the original file has mixed line endings. My changed file has all CRLF.

This change fixes #15 and fixes (or has a workaround) for #14.

katjoek commented 3 years ago

The only real changes are made in Python.Deployment.Installer's InstallWheel's Task.Run() part

henon commented 3 years ago

Thank you. Check out the EmbeddedResource example I pushed. Could you please complete it with all the wheels you had? This will help in keeping the functionality you just added working with future additions / changes.

When I got time, one day, I'll add a real test suite.

henon commented 3 years ago

Just released the fix on nuget for both packages, Python.Included and Python.Deployment