henon / Python.Included

A Python.NET based framework enabling .NET libraries to call into Python packages without depending on a local Python installation.
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Python.Deployment Deploy other versions of Python Not in effect? #58

Closed pawn86 closed 9 months ago

pawn86 commented 9 months ago

Thank you very much for your clarification. Install python 11.3 using Python.Deployment (I deployed 11. 2 versions), but ended up sys.version=11.2 instead of the expected 11.3. issur

henon commented 9 months ago

And did you embed image in your assembly?

What is the other version it loads, did you install it manually?

pawn86 commented 9 months ago

Good idea, it's been worked out. The python I manually installed before was 3.11.2. I used the pythonnet library directly and set the environment variable PYTHON_PYDLL. This is the problem caused by this environment variable. Solved my problem perfectly after deletion. Thank you so much.