henrik / jekyll

Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
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Haml and includes #4

Closed dab closed 15 years ago

dab commented 15 years ago

Tried to add

And get same error as in previous issues: $ jekyll Configuration from ./_config.yml Enabled Haml Building site: . -> ./_site /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/jekyll-0.5.2/bin/../lib/jekyll/core_ext.rb:27:in method_missing': undefined methodheader' for #<ClosedStruct page=#<ClosedStruct ...>...

Include (Tag) If you have small page fragments that you wish to include in multiple places on your site, you can use the include tag. {% include sig.textile %} Jekyll expects all include files to be placed in an _includes directory at the root of your source dir. So this will embed the contents of /path/to/proto/site/_includes/sig.textile into the calling file.

henrik commented 15 years ago

You can probably use the Liquid syntax: {% include header.haml %} assuming the resulting file is valid Haml.
