henrik / progress_bar

Command-line progress bars and spinners for Elixir.
MIT License
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Prevent GenServer errors #15

Closed danielberkompas closed 7 years ago

danielberkompas commented 7 years ago

My tests run mix tasks which use ProgressBar. Occasionally, the ProgressBar.AnimationServer will crash or something, causing AnimationServer.stop to raise an error, causing the entire test to crash.

Here's an example error:

     ** (exit) exited in: GenServer.call(:animation_server, :stop, 5000)
         ** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started
       (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:729: GenServer.call/3
       lib/progress_bar/spinner.ex:29: ProgressBar.Spinner.render/2
       (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1229: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
       (mix) lib/mix/task.ex:294: Mix.Task.run_task/3
       (ex_unit) lib/ex_unit/capture_io.ex:146: ExUnit.CaptureIO.do_capture_io/2
       (ex_unit) lib/ex_unit/capture_io.ex:119: ExUnit.CaptureIO.do_capture_io/3
       test/loaders/search_loader_test.exs:38: (test)
henrik commented 7 years ago

This is great. Thank you! :purple_heart: