henrikpersson / rsub

Use rmate with Sublime Text.
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Tab hint shows filename in local /tmp directory #46

Open KES777 opened 9 years ago

KES777 commented 9 years ago

Hint must show remoute filename

KES777 commented 9 years ago

This may help: https://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18220#p68066

KES777 commented 9 years ago

When I open two files with same name but that were in different folders, I can not distinguish them

cd logs/readme.txt
rsub readme.txt
cd ../conf/readme.txt
rsub readme.txt

On sublime file tab I see:

readme.txt -- rsub-7jyhdU
readme.txt -- rsub-kaklskd

and can not distinguish which file is located in logs/ and which in conf/

KES777 commented 9 years ago

This has no effect ((

cd logs/readme.txt
rsub --name logs/readme.txt readme.txt
cd ../conf/readme.txt
rsub --name conf/readme.txt  readme.txt