henrikpersson / rsub

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rsub doesn't bind IPv6 #64

Open brianbienvenu opened 8 years ago

brianbienvenu commented 8 years ago

When connecting to IPv6 remote hosts, I get an error using rmate: connect_to unknown host (nodename nor servname provided, or not known)

If I change RemoteForward to RemoteForward localhost:52698, I get this: connect_to localhost port 52698: failed.

This is because rsub isn't binding tcp6 port 52698 on my local computer:

$ netstat -anl | grep 698
tcp4       0      0        *.*                    LISTEN

A terrible workaround: socat TCP6-LISTEN:52698,fork,bind=[::1] TCP4:

Is there a nice way to add IPv6 support to rsub?

spajak commented 1 year ago

On Windows client my workaround is to use port proxy:

 netsh interface portproxy add v6tov4 listenaddress=::1 listenport=52698 connectaddress= connectport=52698