henrikpersson / rsub

Use rmate with Sublime Text.
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Allow to configure directory for remote files #75

Open KES777 opened 6 years ago

KES777 commented 6 years ago

When using wakatime plugin we can create developers time which he spent to this or that project.

Thus, when switching to different project in sublime: Project->Switch project.... We should open files from different directory to count time as ProjectX instead of ProjectY This is done in waka time by configuring that /home/user/project/X belongs to ProjectX project and /home/user/project/Y to ProjectY

Allow to put some configurations into xxx.sublime-project configuration file so rsub will open remote files (save them temporary) under /user/home/project/X/remote directory:

 rsub:  {
     tmpdir: /user/home/project/X/remote