System complains of access privileges because the eXecute flag is not set.
Then hstwb_image_setup.command script fails because python3 path is wrong (should be /usr/local/bin/python3).
Script then halts because:
Detecting Amiga OS...
- Amiga OS dir './amigaos'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/user/Downloads/16gb_hstwb_1.6.3/", line 872, in <module>
amiga_os_md5_files = get_md5_files_from_dir(amiga_os_dir)
File "/Users/user/Downloads/16gb_hstwb_1.6.3/", line 59, in get_md5_files_from_dir
md5_file.md5_hash = calculate_md5_from_file(f)
File "/Users/user/Downloads/16gb_hstwb_1.6.3/", line 43, in calculate_md5_from_file
with open(_file, "rb") as _f:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: './amigaos/amiga-os-310-workbench.adf'
System complains of access privileges because the eXecute flag is not set. Then hstwb_image_setup.command script fails because python3 path is wrong (should be /usr/local/bin/python3).
Script then halts because:
This is with the AmigaForever DVD ISO mounted.