henripostant / GitHub-as-a-Project-Management-tool

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create advanced searches with labels for view in projects #16

Open henripostant opened 2 years ago

henripostant commented 2 years ago

📖 Some elements to dig further in :

henripostant commented 2 years ago

I'd like to add multiple "labels" columns in a project (beta) view

henripostant commented 2 years ago

👩‍🏫 status are project (beta)"variables" : You can have different status for the same issue across projects (beta)

henripostant commented 2 years ago

👩‍🏫 labels are "global variables" across all issues on github : You can have different labels for the same issue across projects (beta)

henripostant commented 2 years ago

👩‍🏫 When your turn a comment into an issue it stays as a comment in the issue and/but gets reported as mentioned further down in the history/conversation on the issue