henry-spanka / node-red-contrib-hikvision

Hikvision API for Node Red
MIT License
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Node Red install issue on RasPi #3

Closed Yakwrangler closed 5 years ago

Yakwrangler commented 5 years ago

Attempting to install from Node Red on RasPi produces the following missing file error.

My finger trouble or issue?


2019-06-12T09:27:55.287Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production node-red-contrib-hikvision@1.0.0 2019-06-12T09:28:14.589Z [err] npm 2019-06-12T09:28:14.589Z [err] ERR! path git 2019-06-12T09:28:14.589Z [err] npm ERR! code ENOENT 2019-06-12T09:28:14.589Z [err] npm 2019-06-12T09:28:14.590Z [err] ERR! errno ENOENT 2019-06-12T09:28:14.590Z [err] npm ERR! syscall spawn git 2019-06-12T09:28:14.593Z [err] npm 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] ERR! enoent Error while executing: 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] npm ERR! enoent 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] undefined ls-remote -h -t ssh://git@github.com/nayrnet/node-hikvision-api.git 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] npm ERR! 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] enoent 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] npm ERR! 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] enoent 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] npm 2019-06-12T09:28:14.594Z [err] ERR! enoent spawn git ENOENT 2019-06-12T09:28:14.595Z [err] npm 2019-06-12T09:28:14.595Z [err] ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file. 2019-06-12T09:28:14.595Z [err] npm 2019-06-12T09:28:14.595Z [err] ERR! enoent

henry-spanka commented 5 years ago

Hi, which version of node do you use? Have you installed git?

Currently only Node 8 is supported. I'll try to add support for newer node versions this weekend if I have time.

Yakwrangler commented 5 years ago

GIT already installed version 1:2.11.0-3+deb9u4

Node v10.15.3 ... so that would probably explain it then.

Appreciate it if you could add support for later versions over the weekend ... thanks.

henry-spanka commented 5 years ago

Sure, can you please try to replace the version in package.json with henry-spanka#master and run npm install

Edit: as you haven't installed it yet, add the following to your package.json and run npm install

  "dependencies": {
    "node-red-contrib-hikvision": "henry-spanka#master"
Yakwrangler commented 5 years ago

Ah ... missed the edit so installed original as follows;

~/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-hikvision $ npm install package.json npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.

How would you like me to proceed?

henry-spanka commented 5 years ago

Hi, that's not quite right ;)

  1. Please stop Node-Red first and then remove the plugin: rm -r ~/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-hikvision

  2. Edit ~/.node-red/package.json and add the dependency to the list: nano ~/.node-red/package.json

It should look like this:

  "name": "node-red-project",
  "description": "A Node-RED Project",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "dependencies": {
    "crc": "^3.8.0",
    "node-red-contrib-configurable-interval": "~0.9.1",
    "node-red-contrib-fs-ops": "~1.5.0",
    "node-red-contrib-graphite": "~1.0.0",
    "node-red-contrib-hikvision": "henry-spanka#master", // <--- add this
    "node-red-contrib-i2c": "henry-spanka/node-red-contrib-i2c#master",
    "node-red-contrib-simple-message-queue": "~0.2.5"

You only need to add the "node-red-contrib-hikvision" dependency. I just left the other things in there for demo purposes. Your own plugins should appear there.

  1. Run npm install cd ~/.node-red/ && npm install

  2. Start Node-Red.

Yakwrangler commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the hand-holding ;) npm install gave following error ...

npm ERR! code EINVALIDTAGNAME npm ERR! Invalid tag name "henry-spanka#master": Tags may not have any characters that encodeURIComponent encodes.

henry-spanka commented 5 years ago

Sry, my bad. try henry-spanka/node-red-contrib-hikvision#master

Yakwrangler commented 5 years ago

No problem ... now produces following ...

npm ERR! code EJSONPARSE npm ERR! JSON.parse Failed to parse json npm ERR! JSON.parse Unexpected token , in JSON at position 251 while parsing near '...ib-hikvision#master", npm ERR! JSON.parse "node-red-cont...' npm ERR! JSON.parse Failed to parse package.json data. npm ERR! JSON.parse package.json must be actual JSON, not just JavaScript.

henry-spanka commented 5 years ago

Can you post your package.json please?

Yakwrangler commented 5 years ago

Of course ... { "name": "node-red-project", "description": "A Node-RED Project", "version": "0.0.1", "dependencies": { "node-red-contrib-file-buffer": "0.0.3", "node-red-contrib-fs-ops": "~1.5.0", "henry-spanka/node-red-contrib-hikvision#master", "node-red-contrib-ibm-watson-iot": "^0.2.8", "node-red-contrib-image-output": "^0.4.0", "node-red-contrib-jsonpath": "~0.1.1", "node-red-contrib-moment": "~3.0.2", "node-red-contrib-openalpr-cloud": "0.0.1", "node-red-contrib-play-audio": "^2.3.2", "node-red-contrib-simpletime": "~2.4.0", "node-red-contrib-ui-led": "~0.2.3", "node-red-contrib-uppercase": "0.0.3", "node-red-dashboard": "^2.14.0", "node-red-node-base64": "^0.1.3", "node-red-node-ping": "0.0.16", "node-red-node-pisrf": "~0.1.4", "node-red-node-random": "^0.1.2", "node-red-node-serialport": "^0.8.1", "node-red-node-smooth": "^0.1.0" } }

henry-spanka commented 5 years ago

Try this:

"name": "node-red-project",
"description": "A Node-RED Project",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"node-red-contrib-file-buffer": "0.0.3",
"node-red-contrib-fs-ops": "~1.5.0",
"node-red-contrib-hikvision": "henry-spanka/node-red-contrib-hikvision#master",
"node-red-contrib-ibm-watson-iot": "^0.2.8",
"node-red-contrib-image-output": "^0.4.0",
"node-red-contrib-jsonpath": "~0.1.1",
"node-red-contrib-moment": "~3.0.2",
"node-red-contrib-openalpr-cloud": "0.0.1",
"node-red-contrib-play-audio": "^2.3.2",
"node-red-contrib-simpletime": "~2.4.0",
"node-red-contrib-ui-led": "~0.2.3",
"node-red-contrib-uppercase": "0.0.3",
"node-red-dashboard": "^2.14.0",
"node-red-node-base64": "^0.1.3",
"node-red-node-ping": "0.0.16",
"node-red-node-pisrf": "~0.1.4",
"node-red-node-random": "^0.1.2",
"node-red-node-serialport": "^0.8.1",
"node-red-node-smooth": "^0.1.0"
Yakwrangler commented 5 years ago

Success! ... node-red-contrib-hikvision installed with 4 modules ... I'll now go and play with these.

Thanks for your support, much appreciated

henry-spanka commented 5 years ago
