henry123-boy / SpaTracker

[CVPR 2024 Highlight] Official PyTorch implementation of SpatialTracker: Tracking Any 2D Pixels in 3D Space
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Bug in _compute_dense_tracks #16

Open jinlinyi opened 1 month ago

jinlinyi commented 1 month ago

Hi Yuxi,

Thanks for releasing this great project. The depth_predictor and video_depth variables are not used here, which causes error when using _compute_dense_tracks.


Additional request -- when you push new commits, could you just push without rebase? Otherwise it is hard for me to sync up my code with your latest change. Thank you!

Best, Linyi

henry123-boy commented 1 month ago

Hi Linyi, Thank you for your kind reminder. I have added the depth_predictor and video_depth there. For rebase, I appologize for that, cause I removed irrelevant history commits before. But the current version is clean already, so I guess you can re-clone and iterate based on the version right now. I am sorry for your inconvenience.

Best, Yuxi