henryfreel / quickTips

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tip calculator/bill splitter #1

Open henryfreel opened 10 years ago

henryfreel commented 10 years ago

@thecodepath and @timothy1ee

I'm gonna keep working, but I figured I'd submit what I have so far since I think I hit all the optional features and I figured sooner was better than later.

I went a little too far into the features before I realized how much trouble it was going to be. I think I'm going to change the slider to a stepper because It's not really working well, even when I remove all the decimals there is a lot of play between the numbers so i left you guys with the decimals. I also had a lottttttt of trouble with doubles to strings to Ints etc. swift does makes it too easy to declare variables, which then makes it hard to know what's what.

Can you duplicate a project? or i guess fork it? I don't know how to do that. I want to work on one with a stepper without messing this one up.

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Great, can you pick a 15 minute slot here: https://www.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UVBDTi1jVkx4SldqfGRlZmF1bHR8MGVhNTlkZDFmYzQzODdkNDFhZjQ0NWQyZjFiMDU3Nzg

Once you've picked a slot, can you edit it with your phone number?

henryfreel commented 10 years ago

all set, thanks. looking forward to it!