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Enchancement Request: Optional TMDBhelper players selection from DiamondInfo #6

Closed minhgi closed 2 years ago

minhgi commented 2 years ago

Hi Henry,

Just want to say thanks and appreciate your work. Is possible to add the feature to select other TMDBHelper player from the "Play" button in Diamondinfo. Back when OpenMeta working, I have ask the dev to include that feature and he have implemented. What this does, when you click and hold the play button for a few second and released, a second screen option would appear showing the other helper players. There you can select the player that is correspond with the addon. This give the option to play video from other addon from Diamondinfo, other than the default one set in TMDBhelper. This kinda give user more option since not all videos can be sourced from a single addon.

henryjfry commented 2 years ago

It plays via tmdbhelper, which allows you to select a list of players. I think you can set a default player in tmdbhelper or have a list of choices, so i suggest you look at the settings of tmdbhelper, because when I click play I get a list of the json players setup in tmdbhelper.


I dont think there is another multi player select addon. The only ones I was ever aware of were metalliq, and then openmeta which was a fork of metalliq I think, then tmdbhelper.

But the only current one is tmdbhelper

minhgi commented 2 years ago

I will take look. I don't think TMDBhelper does have the selection menu awhile retaining the default player option like OpenMeta.

henryjfry commented 2 years ago

I dont think it offers a default and a selction menu, one or the other. Its possible to make a manual change to autoselect after x seconds, but it wouldnt be persistent across updates.

This commit shows how to do it: https://github.com/henryjfry/plugin.video.themoviedb.helper/commit/4c6789b473d6f328f6c4acc87e00f69c8cf84613

henryjfry commented 2 years ago

Im going to close this issue as its a tmdbhelper issue, not Diamond Info