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Distances #60

Open henryliangt opened 1 year ago

henryliangt commented 1 year ago

There are several ways to compute the distance between two arrays, each with its unique characteristics and use cases. The most common ones include:

Euclidean Distance: This is probably the most commonly used distance measure. It's based on the "ordinary" straight-line distance between two points in Euclidean space.

Manhattan Distance: Also known as the city block or taxicab distance, this measure computes the distance that would be traveled to get from one data point to the other if a grid-like path is followed, much like navigating through city streets.

Chebyshev Distance: This distance measure considers the maximum absolute difference between elements of two vectors. For a two-dimensional plane, it is equivalent to allowing movements diagonally as well as along axes, much like a king in chess.

Minkowski Distance: This is a generalized metric form of Euclidean Distance and Manhattan Distance. The Euclidean distance is a special case where p=2, and the Manhattan distance is a special case where p=1. For different values of p, you get different distance metrics.

Hamming Distance: This is used for categorical data and calculates the number of differences between two vectors. It's typically used with binary data.

Cosine similarity/Distance(Angular distance): This measure calculates the cosine of the angle between two vectors. It determines the cosine similarity between them, which can be used as a measure of distance.

Mahalanobis Distance: This distance measure considers the correlations of the data set and is not scale invariant. The distance between a point and a distribution is defined as the multi-dimensional analog of the standard deviation.

Jaccard Distance: This is a measure of how dissimilar two sets are. It's the complement of the Jaccard coefficient and measures the dissimilarity between sample sets, not the actual values in the vector.

Canberra Distance: This is a weighted version of Manhattan distance, useful for data which encodes relative change.

Pearson Correlation Distance: This distance measure is derived from Pearson's correlation coefficient, which gauges the linear correlation between two data sets.

Earth Mover's Distance (EMD): Also known as Wasserstein distance, it measures the distance between two probability distributions over a region.

Edit Distance (Levenshtein Distance): This measures the minimum number of operations (edits) required to transform one sequence into another. The operations can include insertions, deletions, and substitutions. It's extensively used in applications related to spell checking, DNA sequence alignment, etc.

Another variant of the Edit Distance is the Damerau-Levenshtein Distance, which allows transpositions (swapping of two adjacent elements) as well as the basic operations.

Remember that the choice of distance measure will often depend on the nature of your data, and there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution.

henryliangt commented 1 year ago



henryliangt commented 1 year ago

欧几里得距离或者余弦相似性,经常在 k-NN、 UMAP、HDBSCAN 等算法中使用,



henryliangt commented 1 year ago

image 欧式距离可解释为连接两个点的线段的长度。欧式距离公式非常简单,使用勾股定理从这些点的笛卡尔坐标计算距离。


此外,随着数据维数的增加,欧氏距离的作用也就越小。这与维数灾难(curse of dimensionality)有关。

用例:当你拥有低维数据且向量的大小非常重要时,欧式距离的效果非常好。如果在低维数据上使用欧式距离,则如 k-NN 和 HDBSCAN 之类的方法可达到开箱即用的效果。


henryliangt commented 1 year ago

余弦相似度(Cosine Similarity) image

余弦相似度经常被用作抵消高维欧式距离问题。余弦相似度是指两个向量夹角的余弦。如果将向量归一化为长度均为 1 的向量,则向量的点积也相同。 image

两个方向完全相同的向量的余弦相似度为 1,而两个彼此相对的向量的余弦相似度为 - 1。注意,它们的大小并不重要,因为这是在方向上的度量。



henryliangt commented 1 year ago

汉明距离(Hamming Distance) image



用例:典型的用例包括数据通过计算机网络传输时的错误纠正 / 检测。它可以用来确定二进制字中失真的数目,作为估计误差的一种方法。此外,你还可以使用汉明距离来度量分类变量之间的距离。

henryliangt commented 1 year ago

曼哈顿距离(Manhattan Distance)






henryliangt commented 1 year ago

切比雪夫距离(Chebyshev Distance) image





henryliangt commented 1 year ago

闵氏距离(Minkowski) image

闵氏距离比大多数距离度量更复杂。它是在范数向量空间(n 维实数空间)中使用的度量,这意味着它可以在一个空间中使用,在这个空间中,距离可以用一个有长度的向量来表示。


最有趣的一点是,我们可以使用参数 p 来操纵距离度量,使其与其他度量非常相似。常见的 p 值有:

p=1:曼哈顿距离 p=2:欧氏距离 p=∞:切比雪夫距离 缺点:闵氏距离与它们所代表的距离度量有相同的缺点,因此,对哈顿距离、欧几里得距离和切比雪夫距离等度量标准有个好的理解非常重要。此外,参数 p 的使用可能很麻烦,因为根据用例,查找正确的 p 值在计算上效率低。

用例:p 的积极一面是可迭代,并找到最适合用例的距离度量。它允许在距离度量上有很大的灵活性,如果你非常熟悉 p 和许多距离度量,将会获益多多。

henryliangt commented 1 year ago

雅卡尔指数(Jaccard Index) image


例如,如果两个集合有 1 个共同的实体,而有 5 个不同的实体,那么雅卡尔指数为 1/5 = 0.2。要计算雅卡尔距离,我们只需从 1 中减去雅卡尔指数:





henryliangt commented 1 year ago





缺点:这种距离测量的一个缺点是,假定这些点位于一个球体上。实际上,这种情况很少出现,例如,地球不是完美的圆形,在某些情况下可能使计算变得困难。相反,如果假定是椭球,使用 Vincenty 距离比较好。


henryliangt commented 1 year ago


henryliangt commented 1 year ago

Sørensen-Dice 系数


Sørensen-Dice 系数与雅卡尔指数非常相似,都是度量样本集的相似性和多样性。尽管它们的计算方法相似,但是 Sørensen-Dice 系数更直观一些,因为它可以被视为两个集合之间重叠的百分比,这个值在 0 到 1 之间:


缺点:正如雅卡尔指数,Sørensen-Dice 系数也夸大了很少或没有真值的集合的重要性,因此,它可以控制多集合的平均得分,还可以控制多组平均得分并按相关集合的大小成反比地加权每个项目,而不是平等对待它们。


henryliangt commented 1 year ago

Canberra distance 曼哈顿距离的加权版本。 1966年被提出,1977年被G. N. Lance和 W. T. Williams重新提出。是 L₁ (Manhattan) distance的加权版本,Canberra distance已被用作比较排名列表和计算机安全中的入侵检测的测量。 通常堪培拉距离对于接近于0(大于等于0)的值的变化非常敏感。与马氏距离一样,堪培拉距离对数据的量纲不敏感。不过堪培拉距离假定变量之间相互独立,没有考虑变量之间的相关性。


import numpy as np
p = np.array([11, 0, 7, 8, 0])
q = np.array([24, 37, 5, 18, 1])
n = len(p)
distance = 0
for i in range(n):
    if p[i] == 0 and q[i] == 0:
        distance += 0
        distance += abs(p[i] - q[i]) / (abs(p[i]) + abs(q[i]))
henryliangt commented 10 months ago

Hausdorff distance

We are given two point sets A = {a1, a2, . . . , an} and B = {b1, b2, . . . , bm} in E 2 . The one-sided Hausdorff distance from A to B is defined as: ˜δH(A, B) = max a∈A min b∈B ka − bk (1) The bidirectional Hausdorff distance between A and B is then defined as: δH(A, B) = max(˜δH(A, B), ˜δH(B, A)) (2)

给定两个点集合A{ a0, a1, … }和B{ b0, b1, b2, …}

取A集合中的一点a0,计算a0到B集合中所有点的距离,保留最短的距离d0 遍历A集合中所有点,图中一共两点a0和a1,计算出d0和d1 比较所有的距离{ d0, d1 },选出最长的距离d1 这个最长的距离就是h,它是A→B的单向豪斯多夫距离,记为h( A, B ) 对于A集合中任意一点a,我们可以确定,以点a为圆心,h为半径的圆内部必有B集合中的 交换A集合和B集合的角色,计算B→A的单向豪斯多夫距离h( B, A ),选出h( A, B )和h( B, A )中最长的距离,就是A,B集合的双向豪斯多夫距离
