henrylittle21 / SRS-NLP

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TODO: Project Set-up #1

Open callahantiff opened 4 years ago

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

TODO: Project Set-Up

Purpose: Describe tasks that need to be completed to get this repo set-up for your 🥇 awesome science fair project 🎉
Assigned To: @henrylittle21

Great meeting today and congrats on your first GitHub repository as well as the beginnings of what will be an awesome science fair project! As we discussed today, the goal for the next week is to start getting this repository organized and set-up for your project. Additionally, as shown below, this week will also be focused on learning more about NLP and language models.

Below, are the tasks I am hoping you will be able to make progress on before our next meeting (scheduled for 10/3/19).


GitHub Repository Tasks:

Project Tasks:

I'm happy to help if you get stuck! If you have questions about anything above, you can respond within this issues and I will be notified. You can also specifically mention me in an issue by including @callahantiff in the text.

Good Luck and have fun with this!

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@jackstolt - thanks for the email update! Would you mind writing that information here so we have a record?

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

Can do! @callahantiff is there anything that you think I left out of our wiki page?

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

Can do! @callahantiff is there anything that you think I left out of our wiki page?

@jackstolt Great job on your first post!

I like your first pass on the Wiki, some thoughts for you to consider:

Quick question: Is someone going to add Luke to the repo?

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@henrylittle21 @jackstolt how are things going?

Can you give me an update on any progress made over the last week? Anything you guys are stuck on or need help with?

Do we want to meet with this week? I cannot meet tomorrow at 1 pm, but can find other times tomorrow or on Friday. Let me know!

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff We finished one of the articles you sent us. Is there anyway to link our google slides presentation, that we are using to take article notes on, to GitHub? I have been pretty busy with a number of college deadlines coming up so I haven't gotten much work done on our wiki or milestones. I don't think a meeting is necessary this week.

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff We finished one of the articles you sent us. Is there anyway to link our google slides presentation, that we are using to take article notes on, to GitHub? I have been pretty busy with a number of college deadlines coming up so I haven't gotten much work done on our wiki or milestones. I don't think a meeting is necessary this week.

Hey @jackstolt - no problem! 😺

To link your slides, click share from the slides view within a browser and copy the URL. Then come back here and paste the URL into a comment.

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff Here is the presentation URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tSn7aG6yVwKfX9J2ak8HFwYwIUh9y5BjKFTfuIyhifs/edit?usp=sharing

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff Here is the presentation URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tSn7aG6yVwKfX9J2ak8HFwYwIUh9y5BjKFTfuIyhifs/edit?usp=sharing

Thanks for sending! I am looking at the slides now. How do you want to proceed? Do you guys want some more time to go over the rest of the list above? Do you want to create a new issue here where we discuss and go into this article in more detail? Let me know what would be the most useful.

Also...what is the Terminator reference for? 😄

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

Hey @callahantiff,

@henrylittle21 and I are having a group meeting. Luke is MIA. We need to get the second article done, which we are beginning to work on. The tutorials seem super helpful, but I think will require more time to work through. I added a lot of pages to our wiki, look through them and let me know if there is anything you think we are missing. Hoping that helps provide some structure for our project. The Research Proposal is important and will be continuously worked on. Once we get all of that under control or while we are getting it under control we will start to get a bunch of data, as much as we can.

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff the terminator reference was for fun. It was a helpful origin to develop machine learning thoughts and a mascot to keep us motivated. Haha :)

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

Hey @callahantiff,

@henrylittle21 and I are having a group meeting. Luke is MIA. We need to get the second article done, which we are beginning to work on. The tutorials seem super helpful, but I think will require more time to work through. I added a lot of pages to our wiki, look through them and let me know if there is anything you think we are missing. Hoping that helps provide some structure for our project. The Research Proposal is important and will be continuously worked on. Once we get all of that under control or while we are getting it under control we will start to get a bunch of data, as much as we can.

WOW!! 💯 👍 The wiki is really starting to come together and is looking awesome, nice work!! It seems like you guys are getting more comfortable with it, which is really great. Sounds good about working through the articles. Don't worry too much about the tutorials yet, I was thinking that we could meet before you guys started working on those. I will keep an eye on the Wiki as you guys add literature to it and will comment/add additional things that might be helpful.

PLAN MOVING FORWARD: Why don't we plan to meet as soon as you guys are done with the second article and the have had a chance to review the links I have included below (they are also mentioned above)? We could use that meeting time to talk about the papers/websites, start thinking through the project objectives, and then make a plan for how to approach the tutorials. What do you think about that plan?

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff I think that plan sounds great. We would love to meet tomorrow if that works for you? We just finished up the second article and are ready to learn about the data collection process and whatever prerequisite information you would like to give us for the NLP python tutorials.

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff I think that plan sounds great. We would love to meet tomorrow if that works for you? We just finished up the second article and are ready to learn about the data collection process and whatever prerequisite information you would like to give us for the NLP python tutorials.

Awesome work guys! I would have loved to meet today, but I am actually out of town this week and also next week. I could find a time to meet with you in person on Monday or Tuesday afternoon next week. Would that work?

TODO: would you please create 2 new issues? The first issue will be for Python+NLP review and the second for data collection? Then we have a forum to speak about each of those subjects. Sound OK?

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff I can totally create those issues. A meeting to discuss the tutorials and data collection would be super helpful. What time is easiest on Monday or Tuesday? We are flexible and can meet either day.

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff I can totally create those issues. A meeting to discuss the tutorials and data collection would be super helpful. What time is easiest on Monday or Tuesday? We are flexible and can meet either day.

@jackstolt - thanks for doing that! If we meet tomorrow it would have to be remotely (via Zoom), but if we meet Tuesday, I could meet in person anytime between 12pm-2pm. Let me know what day you prefer and then we can figure out times. Sound OK?

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff Sounds great! Let set up a face-to-face meeting on Tuesday. We are able to meet almost any time in the afternoon, so know which time works best for you.

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff Sounds great! Let set up a face-to-face meeting on Tuesday. We are able to meet almost any time in the afternoon, so know which time works best for you.

@jackstolt - how does 1-2pm at the same place we met last time sound?

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff If you think we can accomplish all we need to in an hour then sure! Otherwise, we can try going 12-2 instead

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff If you think we can accomplish all we need to in an hour then sure! Otherwise, we can try going 12-2 instead

@jackstolt - Unfortunately, that's all the time I have tomorrow. This week is tough because I am leaving for a conference Wednesday. We will be able to make some good progress tomorrow, don't worry!

jackstolt commented 4 years ago

@callahantiff Alright sounds good. See you tomorrow at 1 pm.

callahantiff commented 4 years ago

@jackstolt @henrylittle21 @lajohnson02 - Due to the inclement weather and my desire to keep us all safe and warm today, I am going to change our in person meeting to a Zoom meeting (see Zoom link below).

Join Zoom Meeting Here: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/3576659200

The positive part about about this is that I will have more time to meet! See you virtually at 1pm!