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[DeepLearning] Inference 때의 GPU 상의 메모리 할당 분석 및 정리 #33

Open heojae opened 3 years ago

heojae commented 3 years ago

대주제 : 딥러닝 연산시 GPU 위에 얼마나 많은 양의 메모리가 쌓이는지 분석할 필요가 있다.

소주제 : 딥러닝 연산시 GPU 에 올라가는 memory 양을 분석하고, train modeinference mode 를 비교하여, 결과물을 낸다.



위 글을 보면서, 학습을 할 때의 GPU 상에 memory 가 쌓이는 순서 및 release 되는 방향에 대해서, 수치적으로 이해를 할 수 있었습니다.

하지만, 실제로 torch 에서는 cache 에 대해서도 고려를 해주어야할 필요도 있고, with torch.no_grad() 를 통해서, inference 를 할 때 또한, 생각을 해주어야 할 필요가 있습니다.


그렇기에, 이를 참고하여, 실제로 traininference 를 할 때, GPU memorytorch memory 에서는 어떠하게 다르며 이를 분석하고자, 아래와 같은 실험을 하게되었습니다. 대부분의 model infernce APIwith torch.no_grad() 를 사용을 많이하게 되어있는 데, 이를 수치적으로 어떠한 만큼 효율을 낼 수 있는지 보여주고 싶습니다.

heojae commented 3 years ago

원본 코드 변형 및 디렉토리 구조

저는 학습이 아닌 inference 관점에서, 분석하기 위해 원본 깃 레포 에서 필요한 부분만 빼내어서 변형하여 실험 하였습니다.

이걸 현재 레포에 추가할까 고민했지만, 레포와는 별개의 실험이니, 요기에 정리하기로 하였습니다.

    - memory.py
    - plot.py
접기/펼치기 버튼
```python import pandas as pd import torch from torchvision.models import resnet18 from utils.memory import log_mem, getMemoryUsage from utils.plot import plot_mem # TODO : 조건을 선택해서, 실험해보세요. base_dir = '.' is_no_grad = False model = resnet18().cuda() model.eval() # torch.save(model, "resnet18.pt") # 모델 용량 확인용, 46.8MB print("------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------") print(f"Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f"'Max Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f" Cached: {round(torch.cuda.memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f" Max Cached: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)} MB, NVIDIA_SMI: {getMemoryUsage()} MB") bs = 1 input = torch.rand(bs, 3, 224, 224).cuda() mem_log = [] print("------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------") print(f"Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f"'Max Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f" Cached: {round(torch.cuda.memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f" Max Cached: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)} MB, NVIDIA_SMI: {getMemoryUsage()} MB") try: if is_no_grad: with torch.no_grad(): no_grad = "_no_grad" print("------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------") mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='1')) print("------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------") mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='2')) print("------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------") mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='3')) else: no_grad = "" print("------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------") mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='1')) print("------------------------------------ 2 Epoch ----------------------------------") mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='2')) print("------------------------------------ 3 Epoch ----------------------------------") mem_log.extend(log_mem(model, input, exp='3')) except Exception as e: print(e) print(f'log_mem failed because of {e}') df = pd.DataFrame(mem_log) plot_mem(df, exps=['1', '2', '3'], output_file=f'{base_dir}/baseline_memory_plot_{bs}{no_grad}.png') ```
접기/펼치기 버튼
```python from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def plot_mem( df, exps=None, normalize_call_idx=True, normalize_mem_all=True, filter_fwd=False, return_df=False, output_file=None ): if exps is None: exps = df.exp.drop_duplicates() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10)) for exp in exps: df_ = df[df.exp == exp] if normalize_call_idx: df_.call_idx = df_.call_idx / df_.call_idx.max() if normalize_mem_all: df_.mem_all = df_.mem_all - df_[df_.call_idx == df_.call_idx.min()].mem_all.iloc[0] df_.mem_all = df_.mem_all // 2 ** 20 if filter_fwd: layer_idx = 0 callidx_stop = df_[(df_["layer_idx"] == layer_idx) & (df_["hook_type"] == "fwd")]["call_idx"].iloc[0] df_ = df_[df_["call_idx"] <= callidx_stop] # df_ = df_[df_.call_idx < df_[df_.layer_idx=='bwd'].call_idx.min()] plot = df_.plot(ax=ax, x='call_idx', y='mem_all', label=exp) if output_file: plot.get_figure().savefig(output_file) if return_df: return df_ ```
접기/펼치기 버튼
```python from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint_sequential import torch from pynvml.smi import nvidia_smi nvsmi = nvidia_smi.getInstance() def getMemoryUsage(): usage = nvsmi.DeviceQuery("memory.used")["gpu"][0]["fb_memory_usage"] return "%d %s" % (usage["used"], usage["unit"]) def _get_gpu_mem(synchronize=True, empty_cache=True): print(f"Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f"'Max Allocated: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f" Cached: {round(torch.cuda.memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)}MB, " f" Max Cached: {round(torch.cuda.max_memory_cached(0) / 1024 ** 2, 1)} MB, NVIDIA_SMI: {getMemoryUsage()} MB") return torch.cuda.memory_allocated(), torch.cuda.memory_cached() def _generate_mem_hook(handle_ref, mem, idx, hook_type, exp): def hook(self, *args): if len(mem) == 0 or mem[-1]["exp"] != exp: call_idx = 0 else: call_idx = mem[-1]["call_idx"] + 1 mem_all, mem_cached = _get_gpu_mem() torch.cuda.synchronize() mem.append({ 'layer_idx': idx, 'call_idx': call_idx, 'layer_type': type(self).__name__, 'exp': exp, 'hook_type': hook_type, 'mem_all': mem_all, 'mem_cached': mem_cached, }) return hook def _add_memory_hooks(idx, mod, mem_log, exp, hr): h = mod.register_forward_pre_hook(_generate_mem_hook(hr, mem_log, idx, 'pre', exp)) hr.append(h) h = mod.register_forward_hook(_generate_mem_hook(hr, mem_log, idx, 'fwd', exp)) hr.append(h) h = mod.register_backward_hook(_generate_mem_hook(hr, mem_log, idx, 'bwd', exp)) hr.append(h) def log_mem(model, inp, mem_log=None, exp=None): mem_log = mem_log or [] exp = exp or f'exp_{len(mem_log)}' hr = [] for idx, module in enumerate(model.modules()): _add_memory_hooks(idx, module, mem_log, exp, hr) try: out = model(inp) # loss = out.sum() # loss.backward() finally: [h.remove() for h in hr] return mem_log ```
heojae commented 3 years ago

실험 Batch Size = 1

두 경우 모두, modelinput 의 사이즈는 동일하게 들어 갑니다. 하지만, modellayer 들의 output 을 저장하느냐에 따라서, 아래와 같이 다른 결과들을 낼 수 있었다고 판단됩니다.

Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB,  Cached: 66.0MB,  Max Cached:  66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB


접기/펼치기 버튼
``` ------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB, Cached: 64.0MB, Max Cached: 64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB ------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB, Cached: 66.0MB, Max Cached: 66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB ------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ---------------------------------- Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB, Cached: 66.0MB, Max Cached: 66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB Allocated: 45.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 45.3MB, Cached: 66.0MB, Max Cached: 66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 541 MiB MB Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 48.4MB, Cached: 66.0MB, Max Cached: 66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB Allocated: 48.3MB, 'Max Allocated: 48.4MB, Cached: 66.0MB, Max Cached: 66.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 585 MiB MB Allocated: 51.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 51.4MB, Cached: 66.0MB, Max Cached: 66.0 MB, 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접기/펼치기 버튼
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heojae commented 3 years ago

실험 Batch Size = 128

두 경우 모두, modelinput 의 사이즈는 동일하게 들어 갑니다. 하지만, modellayer 들의 output 을 저장하느냐에 따라서, 아래와 같이 다른 결과들을 낼 수 있었다고 판단됩니다.

------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB,  Cached: 138.0MB,  Max Cached:  138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB


접기/펼치기 버튼
``` ------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB, Cached: 64.0MB, Max Cached: 64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB ------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB, Cached: 138.0MB, Max Cached: 138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB ------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ---------------------------------- Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB, Cached: 138.0MB, Max Cached: 138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB, Cached: 138.0MB, Max Cached: 138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 510.8MB, Cached: 530.0MB, Max Cached: 530.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1049 MiB MB Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 510.8MB, Cached: 530.0MB, Max Cached: 530.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1049 MiB MB Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1196.7MB, Cached: 1216.0MB, Max Cached: 1216.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1735 MiB MB Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1196.7MB, Cached: 1216.0MB, Max Cached: 1216.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1735 MiB MB Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1196.7MB, Cached: 1216.0MB, Max Cached: 1216.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1735 MiB MB Allocated: 1196.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1196.7MB, Cached: 1216.0MB, Max Cached: 1216.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1735 MiB MB Allocated: 1294.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1295.1MB, Cached: 1316.0MB, Max Cached: 1316.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1835 MiB MB Allocated: 1294.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1295.1MB, Cached: 1316.0MB, Max Cached: 1316.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1835 MiB MB Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1392.7MB, Cached: 1414.0MB, Max Cached: 1414.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1933 MiB MB Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1392.7MB, Cached: 1414.0MB, Max Cached: 1414.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1933 MiB MB Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1392.7MB, Cached: 1414.0MB, Max Cached: 1414.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1933 MiB MB Allocated: 1392.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1392.7MB, Cached: 1414.0MB, Max Cached: 1414.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1933 MiB MB Allocated: 1490.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1491.1MB, Cached: 1512.0MB, Max Cached: 1512.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2031 MiB MB Allocated: 1490.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1491.1MB, Cached: 1512.0MB, Max Cached: 1512.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2031 MiB MB Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB, Cached: 1610.0MB, Max Cached: 1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB, Cached: 1610.0MB, Max Cached: 1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB, Cached: 1610.0MB, Max Cached: 1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB, Cached: 1610.0MB, Max Cached: 1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB, Cached: 1610.0MB, Max Cached: 1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB Allocated: 1588.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1588.7MB, Cached: 1610.0MB, Max Cached: 1610.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2129 MiB MB Allocated: 1686.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1687.1MB, Cached: 1708.0MB, Max Cached: 1708.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2227 MiB MB Allocated: 1686.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1687.1MB, Cached: 1708.0MB, Max Cached: 1708.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2227 MiB MB Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1784.7MB, Cached: 1806.0MB, Max Cached: 1806.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2325 MiB MB Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1784.7MB, Cached: 1806.0MB, Max Cached: 1806.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2325 MiB MB Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1784.7MB, Cached: 1806.0MB, Max Cached: 1806.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2325 MiB MB Allocated: 1784.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1784.7MB, Cached: 1806.0MB, Max Cached: 1806.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2325 MiB MB Allocated: 1882.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1883.1MB, Cached: 1904.0MB, Max Cached: 1904.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2423 MiB MB Allocated: 1882.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1883.1MB, Cached: 1904.0MB, Max Cached: 1904.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2423 MiB MB Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB, Cached: 2002.0MB, Max Cached: 2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB, Cached: 2002.0MB, Max Cached: 2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB, Cached: 2002.0MB, Max Cached: 2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB, Cached: 2002.0MB, Max Cached: 2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB, Cached: 2002.0MB, Max Cached: 2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1980.7MB, Cached: 2002.0MB, Max Cached: 2002.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2521 MiB MB Allocated: 1980.7MB, 'Max 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2851.2MB, Cached: 2920.0MB, Max Cached: 2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB, Cached: 2920.0MB, Max Cached: 2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB, Cached: 2920.0MB, Max Cached: 2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB Allocated: 2755.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB, Cached: 2920.0MB, Max Cached: 2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB Allocated: 2755.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB, Cached: 2920.0MB, Max Cached: 2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB Allocated: 2755.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB, Cached: 2920.0MB, Max Cached: 2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB Allocated: 2756.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB, Cached: 2920.0MB, Max Cached: 2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB Allocated: 2756.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 2851.2MB, Cached: 2920.0MB, Max Cached: 2920.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 3447 MiB MB ```


마지막 결과 값으로, 그래프 상 Allocated Memory 가 거의 증가하지 않았습니다.


접기/펼치기 버튼
``` ------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB, Cached: 64.0MB, Max Cached: 64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB ------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB, Cached: 138.0MB, Max Cached: 138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB ------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ---------------------------------- Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB, Cached: 138.0MB, Max Cached: 138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB Allocated: 118.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 118.7MB, Cached: 138.0MB, Max Cached: 138.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 613 MiB MB Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 510.8MB, Cached: 530.0MB, Max Cached: 530.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1049 MiB MB Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 510.8MB, Cached: 530.0MB, Max Cached: 530.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1049 MiB MB Allocated: 902.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 510.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 608.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 216.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 922.0MB, Max Cached: 922.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1441 MiB MB Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1443 MiB MB Allocated: 314.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 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MiB MB Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB Allocated: 167.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB Allocated: 155.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB Allocated: 130.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB Allocated: 131.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB Allocated: 118.9MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB Allocated: 119.4MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB Allocated: 119.2MB, 'Max Allocated: 902.7MB, Cached: 924.0MB, Max Cached: 924.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 1451 MiB MB ```
heojae commented 3 years ago

실험 Batch Size = 512

두 경우 모두, modelinput 의 사이즈는 동일하게 들어 갑니다. 하지만, modellayer 들의 output 을 저장하느냐에 따라서, 아래와 같이 다른 결과들을 낼 수 있었다고 판단됩니다.

------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB,  Cached: 64.0MB,  Max Cached:  64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB
------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu ---------------------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB
------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ----------------------------------
Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB,  Cached: 358.0MB,  Max Cached:  358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB


접기/펼치기 버튼
``` ------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB, Cached: 64.0MB, Max Cached: 64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB ------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB, Cached: 358.0MB, Max Cached: 358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB ------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ---------------------------------- Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB, Cached: 358.0MB, Max Cached: 358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB, Cached: 358.0MB, Max Cached: 358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1906.8MB, Cached: 1926.0MB, Max Cached: 1926.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2445 MiB MB Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1906.8MB, Cached: 1926.0MB, Max Cached: 1926.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2445 MiB MB Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB, Cached: 3494.0MB, Max Cached: 3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB, Cached: 3494.0MB, Max Cached: 3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB, Cached: 3494.0MB, Max Cached: 3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB, Cached: 3494.0MB, Max Cached: 3494.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 4013 MiB MB Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 4650.7MB, Cached: 4670.0MB, Max Cached: 4670.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5189 MiB MB Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 4650.7MB, Cached: 4670.0MB, Max Cached: 4670.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5189 MiB MB Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 4650.7MB, Cached: 4670.0MB, Max Cached: 4670.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5189 MiB MB Allocated: 4650.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 4650.7MB, Cached: 4670.0MB, Max Cached: 4670.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5189 MiB MB Allocated: 5042.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5043.1MB, Cached: 5064.0MB, Max Cached: 5064.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5583 MiB MB Allocated: 5042.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5043.1MB, Cached: 5064.0MB, Max Cached: 5064.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5583 MiB MB Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5434.7MB, Cached: 5456.0MB, Max Cached: 5456.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5975 MiB MB Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5434.7MB, Cached: 5456.0MB, Max Cached: 5456.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5975 MiB MB Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5434.7MB, Cached: 5456.0MB, Max Cached: 5456.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5975 MiB MB Allocated: 5434.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5434.7MB, Cached: 5456.0MB, Max Cached: 5456.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 5975 MiB MB Allocated: 5826.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5827.1MB, Cached: 5848.0MB, Max Cached: 5848.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6367 MiB MB Allocated: 5826.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 5827.1MB, Cached: 5848.0MB, Max Cached: 5848.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6367 MiB MB Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB, Cached: 6240.0MB, Max Cached: 6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB, Cached: 6240.0MB, Max Cached: 6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB, Cached: 6240.0MB, Max Cached: 6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB, Cached: 6240.0MB, Max Cached: 6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB, Cached: 6240.0MB, Max Cached: 6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB Allocated: 6218.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6218.7MB, Cached: 6240.0MB, Max Cached: 6240.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 6759 MiB MB Allocated: 6610.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6611.1MB, Cached: 6632.0MB, Max Cached: 6632.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7151 MiB MB Allocated: 6610.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 6611.1MB, Cached: 6632.0MB, Max Cached: 6632.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7151 MiB MB Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7002.7MB, Cached: 7024.0MB, Max Cached: 7024.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7543 MiB MB Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7002.7MB, Cached: 7024.0MB, Max Cached: 7024.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7543 MiB MB Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7002.7MB, Cached: 7024.0MB, Max Cached: 7024.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7543 MiB MB Allocated: 7002.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7002.7MB, Cached: 7024.0MB, Max Cached: 7024.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7543 MiB MB Allocated: 7394.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7395.1MB, Cached: 7416.0MB, Max Cached: 7416.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7935 MiB MB Allocated: 7394.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7395.1MB, Cached: 7416.0MB, Max Cached: 7416.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 7935 MiB MB Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB, Cached: 7808.0MB, Max Cached: 7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB, Cached: 7808.0MB, Max Cached: 7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB, Cached: 7808.0MB, Max Cached: 7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB, Cached: 7808.0MB, Max Cached: 7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB, Cached: 7808.0MB, Max Cached: 7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB, Cached: 7808.0MB, Max Cached: 7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB, Cached: 7808.0MB, Max Cached: 7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB Allocated: 7786.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7786.7MB, Cached: 7808.0MB, Max Cached: 7808.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8327 MiB MB Allocated: 7982.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7982.7MB, Cached: 8004.0MB, Max Cached: 8004.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8523 MiB MB Allocated: 7982.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 7982.7MB, Cached: 8004.0MB, Max Cached: 8004.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8523 MiB MB Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 8178.7MB, Cached: 8200.0MB, Max Cached: 8200.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8719 MiB MB Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 8178.7MB, Cached: 8200.0MB, Max Cached: 8200.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8719 MiB MB Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 8178.7MB, Cached: 8200.0MB, Max Cached: 8200.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8719 MiB MB Allocated: 8178.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 8178.7MB, Cached: 8200.0MB, Max Cached: 8200.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 8719 MiB MB Allocated: 8374.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8374.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8570.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8766.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 9597 MiB MB Allocated: 8962.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9055.3MB, Cached: 9078.0MB, Max Cached: 9078.0 MB, 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9760.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10279 MiB MB Allocated: 9158.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 9643.3MB, Cached: 9760.0MB, Max Cached: 9760.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10279 MiB MB Allocated: 9354.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB, Cached: 10442.0MB, Max Cached: 10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB Allocated: 9354.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB, Cached: 10442.0MB, Max Cached: 10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB, Cached: 10442.0MB, Max Cached: 10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB, Cached: 10442.0MB, Max Cached: 10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB, Cached: 10442.0MB, Max Cached: 10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB, Cached: 10442.0MB, Max Cached: 10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10035.3MB, Cached: 10442.0MB, Max Cached: 10442.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 10961 MiB MB Allocated: 9550.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 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MiB MB Allocated: 9844.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 10878.0MB, Max Cached: 10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB Allocated: 9844.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 10878.0MB, Max Cached: 10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 10878.0MB, Max Cached: 10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 10878.0MB, Max Cached: 10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB Allocated: 9942.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 10878.0MB, Max Cached: 10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 10878.0MB, Max Cached: 10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB Allocated: 10040.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 10878.0MB, Max Cached: 10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 10878.0MB, Max Cached: 10878.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 11397 MiB MB Allocated: 10138.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 10278.9MB, Cached: 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11148.7MB, Cached: 11638.0MB, Max Cached: 11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB Allocated: 10873.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB, Cached: 11638.0MB, Max Cached: 11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB Allocated: 10874.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB, Cached: 11638.0MB, Max Cached: 11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB Allocated: 10874.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB, Cached: 11638.0MB, Max Cached: 11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB Allocated: 10876.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB, Cached: 11638.0MB, Max Cached: 11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB Allocated: 10876.6MB, 'Max Allocated: 11148.7MB, Cached: 11638.0MB, Max Cached: 11638.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 12165 MiB MB ```


접기/펼치기 버튼
``` ------------------------------------ after upload model to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 44.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 44.7MB, Cached: 64.0MB, Max Cached: 64.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 539 MiB MB ------------------------------------ after upload input to gpu --------------------------------------------- Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB, Cached: 358.0MB, Max Cached: 358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB ------------------------------------ 1 Epoch ---------------------------------- Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB, Cached: 358.0MB, Max Cached: 358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB Allocated: 338.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 338.7MB, Cached: 358.0MB, Max Cached: 358.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 833 MiB MB Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1906.8MB, Cached: 1926.0MB, Max Cached: 1926.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2445 MiB MB Allocated: 1906.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 1906.8MB, Cached: 1926.0MB, Max Cached: 1926.0 MB, NVIDIA_SMI: 2445 MiB MB Allocated: 3474.7MB, 'Max Allocated: 3474.7MB, 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heojae commented 3 years ago


위의 결과를 기반으로 정리를 하면 아래와 같이 정리할 수 있을거 같으며,

위의 정보를 활용하여, inference 를 할 때, 보다 GPUbatch 활용에 도움이 될 수 있을 것이라 생각합니다.

with torch.no_grad() 를 통해서, 여러 글들을 통해서, inference 를 할때 더 효율적이라는 것은 알고있었지만,

위와 같이 실험을 통해서, 알게 되고,

또한 아래와 같이 추가로 더 torchGPU memory 할당에 대해서 공부할 수 있어 좋았습니다.

heojae commented 3 years ago

또한, 이를 공부하다 여러가지 더 깊게 정리할 수 있었습니다.

스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 9 09 40


위 함수를 활용해서, 아래와 같이 정리된 표로 나타낼 수 있으며, 스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 8 50 24

스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 9 12 22 스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 9 17 07




이 자료들을 참고하여, torchGPU memory 사이의 연관성에 대해서 좀더 깊게 이해할 수 있었으며,

아래 대사를 통해서, total allocated memory + ~700MB 정도가 NVIDIA_SMI 를 통해 나오는 용량이라는 것 또한 알아낼 수 있었습니다.

The total allocated memory is shown in memory_summary() as ~10GB, which seems to fit the nvidia-smi output. Note that the CUDA context will use additional memory, which will be visible in the memory usage in nvidia-smi (that's where the ~700MB are most likely coming from).

그래서, 이를 확인을 해보았고, 아래와 같이 비슷한 범위내에서 만족을 하고 있는 것 또한 확인할 수 있었습니다. 스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 8 51 02 스크린샷 2021-02-15 오후 8 50 43