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Hi, I'm @dipexplorer, a developer and open-source contributor passionate about co…
more details https://github.com/microsoft/kiota/issues/596
In [`0b1c995`](https://github.com/Roo7K1d/status-page/commit/0b1c9951cf6f98c075304e9e6e8b1a70f9e38c79
), PaD-Organizer Demo Page (https://rootk1d.xyz/pad-demo) experienced **degraded performance**:
- …
more details https://github.com/microsoft/kiota/issues/596
**Submitting author:** @ricboer0 (Riccardo Boero)
**Repository:** https://github.com/open-and-sustainable/prismaid
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): joss-submission
**Version:** v0.6…
more details https://github.com/microsoft/kiota/issues/596
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- [ ] The issue title must be: Request GitHub KYC - Your US.KG Panel r…
The notifications will work initially, but it seems they timeout or just stop functioning at some point. I think it happens after 4-5 minutes.
I am running this code on an ESP32-S3
I setup the n…
more details https://github.com/microsoft/kiota/issues/596