herayang / VRoom

VR room explorer
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VR Suggestions #1

Open herayang opened 4 years ago

herayang commented 4 years ago

I've done some research, and unfortunately found nothing really ground-breaking. Oculus still seems to be the best choice, but here's probably the TOP 3 that I think we should consider:

1. Oculus Rift S $ 399.00 -PC-Based VR. -Motion Controls -Refresh Rate: 80hz -Resolution: 2560×1440 link: https://www.amazon.com/Oculus-Rift-PC-Powered-Gaming-Headset-pc/dp/B07PTMKYS7/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=oculus+rift+s&qid=1580710063&sr=8-3

2. Oculus Quest $ 399.00

Oculus is already one of the top choices for VRs for many people and seems to have a lot of tools and resources for development. (Will open a different issue for this.) Oculus Quest/Go are standalone, and seems to be for android/mobile. Nothing really against the idea of it, but Rift sounds like a better idea since I think we're looking for PC/web ish things?

  1. HTC Vive Cosmos $629.00 -PC -Motion Controls -Refresh Rate: 90hz -Resolution: ‎1440 x 1700 -Roomscale

I'm including this because I've seen a lot of people mentioning this thing in online communities. Apparently has better graphics and a higher refresh rate. It also supports room-scale, which allows users to walk around using the VR app.

Quick Note: *Refresh rate seems almost like FPS (how fast the images are shown). I've read that generally anything above 60hz would be considered playable and doesn't cause any motion sickness, but certainly higher the number probably "smoother" it would seem?

Honorable Mention:

4. OSVR (Open Source Virtual Reality) $ ???

It's an open-source apparently no restrictions on SDK(software development kit), which I thought it would be something that the school might be interested in looking into? It also offers 20% off for students/developers (model: OSVR HDK2). Would need to purchase motion controllers separately, but apparently can use any controllers with it?

seems pretty much dead/old though, so I just put it as an honorable mention. Also, I can't find any links to purchase this thing, which I'm not sure if it means it's dead or what...

Conclusion -Oculus Rift S sounds like the best choice for us. Oculus Quest/Go Could also be an option if we're not looking for more PC side? -HTC Vive Cosmos seems like a good choice as well and seems to have better graphics/specs. Would need to pay almost twice as much for it tho. -OSVR sounds okay, but I'm not sure if they actually even sell this thing anymore????

drjev2 commented 4 years ago
