herbix / hoi4modutilities

A VSCode extension that contains utilities for Heart of Iron IV mods developers
MIT License
74 stars 9 forks source link

Preview HOI4 File does not working on linux #5

Closed Lazialize closed 3 years ago

Lazialize commented 3 years ago


Preview HOI4 File does not working on linux

Detailed Description

When I pushed preview hoi4 file button or entered the command, open preview tab to side but does not display anything.

Screenshot from 2020-07-10 09-32-58

In the focus tree preview, only continuous focuses frame is displayed. Screenshot from 2020-07-10 09-42-52

Context (Environment)

OS: Manjaro Linux; Build ID: rolling 64bit VS Code: 1.45.1 HOI4 Mod Utilities: 0.3.4

My configuration

Global Settings

    "hoi4ModUtilities.installPath": "/home/[username]/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Hearts of Iron IV",
    "hoi4ModUtilities.loadDlcContents": true

Directory Settings

    "hoi4ModUtilities.modFile": "/home/[username]/Documents/hoi4mod/Split-Roman-Empire/descriptor.mod"


Thank you for read my poor English. If you need more information, please ask.

herbix commented 3 years ago

Hi @Lazialize,

I haven't test this extension on Linux. I guess there're some file path separator issues.

Could you please open vscode dev window by Ctrl+Shift+I and share all logs in console? image

Lazialize commented 3 years ago

well, is this ok?

security-warnings.ts:179 Electron Security Warning (Insecure Content-Security-Policy) This renderer process has either no Content Security
    Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled. This exposes users of
    this app to unnecessary security risks.

For more information and help, consult
This warning will not show up
once the app is packaged.
(anonymous) @ security-warnings.ts:179
workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:3921 Extension 'ms-dotnettools.csharp cannot use PROPOSED API (must started out of dev or enabled via --enable-proposed-api)
updateEnableProposedApi @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:3921
workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4512 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope source.ruby.
Old grammar file: file:///usr/lib/code/extensions/ruby/syntaxes/ruby.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/wingrunr21.vscode-ruby-0.27.0/syntaxes/ruby.cson.json
register @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4512
workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:259 [Extension Host] Error: Cannot find module './en-us.ts' at o (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:9:219702) at i (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:9:219651) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:1201)  at n (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:186)    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:9:72306) at n (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:186)    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:9:105171)    at n (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:186)    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:9:184792)    at n (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:186)    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:9:183620)    at n (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:186)    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:9:178610)    at n (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:186)    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:9:177806)    at n (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:186)    at /home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:985    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/lazialize/.vscode-oss/extensions/chaofan.hoi4modutilities-0.3.4/dist/extension.js:1:995)   at Module.o._compile (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/loader.js:15:749)    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:892:10)    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:735:32)  at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:648:12) at Module._load (electron/js2c/asar.js:717:26)  at Function.Module._load (electron/js2c/asar.js:717:26) at Function.t._load (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:955:769)   at Function.n._load (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:925:106)   at Function.i._load (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:921:391)   at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:775:19)   at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:68:18)  at Function.s [as __$__nodeRequire] (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/loader.js:33:115) at h._loadCommonJSModule (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:926:266)  at h._doActivateExtension (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:822:856) at h._activateExtension (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:821:937)   at Object.actualActivateExtension (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:819:883) at e._activateExtension (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:598:859)   at /usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:598:537  at Array.map (<anonymous>)  at e._activateExtensions (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:598:525)  at e.activateByEvent (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:596:14)   at h._activateByEvent (/usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:820:618) at /usr/lib/code/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js:829:401
t.log @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:259
$logExtensionHostMessage @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4020
_doInvokeHandler @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4026
_invokeHandler @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4026
_receiveRequest @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4025
_receiveOneMessage @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4024
(anonymous) @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4022
fire @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:95
fire @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:424
_receiveMessage @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:428
(anonymous) @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:425
fire @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:95
acceptChunk @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:421
(anonymous) @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:420
t @ workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:431
emit @ events.js:203
addChunk @ _stream_readable.js:295
readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:276
Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:210
onStreamRead @ internal/stream_base_commons.js:166
workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4898 [Embedded Page] %cElectron Security Warning (enableBlinkFeatures) font-weight: bold; This renderer process has additional "enableBlinkFeatures"
  enabled. This exposes users of this app to some security risk. If you do not
  need this feature, you should disable it.

For more information and help, consult
This warning will not show up
once the app is packaged.
workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4898 [Embedded Page] %cElectron Security Warning (Insecure Content-Security-Policy) font-weight: bold; This renderer process has either no Content Security
    Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled. This exposes users of
    this app to unnecessary security risks.

For more information and help, consult
This warning will not show up
once the app is packaged.
workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4898 [Embedded Page] Table not filled.
workbench.desktop.main.js:sourcemap:4898 [Embedded Page] Uncaught (in promise) RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
herbix commented 3 years ago

Could you also share greece.txt so that I can check whether it works on Windows?

herbix commented 3 years ago

Did some experiment on Ubuntu. It works for vanilla national focuses. image

Lazialize commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry for being late.

focus_tree = {
    id = sre_greece_focus

    country = {
        base = 0
        modifier = {
            add = 10
            tag = GRE

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_establishment_of_a_military_dictatorship
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_military_deal

        x = 1
        y = 1
        cost = 10

        available = {
            has_country_flag = SRE_GRE_ioannis_metaxas_is_leader

        completion_reward = {
            set_politics = {
                ruling_party = neutrality
                elections_allowed = no

            set_party_name = {
                ideology = neutrality
                name = GRE_neutrality_party
                long_name = GRE_neutrality_party_long

            add_political_power = 150

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_dealing_with_political_unrest
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_dangerous_deal

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_establishment_of_a_military_dictatorship
        x = 0
        y = 1
        cost = 8

        completion_reward = {
            if = {
                limit = { has_idea = SRE_GRE_unstable_government }
                remove_ideas = SRE_GRE_unstable_government
            else_if = {
                limit = { has_idea = SRE_GRE_unstable_government2 }
                remove_ideas = SRE_GRE_unstable_government2
            else_if = {
                limit = { has_idea = SRE_GRE_unstable_government3 }
                remove_ideas = SRE_GRE_unstable_government3
            add_political_power = 150

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_army_reform
        icon = GFX_focus_chi_army_reform

        x = 8
        y = 0
        cost = 10

        completion_reward = {
            army_experience = 10

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_updates
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_small_arms

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_army_reform
        x = -1
        y = 2
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_army_reform

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_army_doctrines

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_army_reform
        x = 0
        y = 1
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_army_reform

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort2
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_army_doctrines

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort
        x = 0
        y = 2
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort3
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_army_doctrines

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort2
        x = 0
        y = 1
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort2

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_artillery_modernization
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_army_artillery2

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_updates
        x = 0
        y = 3
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_updates

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_infantry_transport
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_army_motorized

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_army_reform
        x = 1
        y = 2
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_army_reform

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_tank_effort
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_army_tanks

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_infantry_transport
        x = 0
        y = 3
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_infantry_transport

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_mechanization
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_build_tank

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_infantry_transport
        x = 1
        y = 1
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_infantry_transport

        completion_reward = { }

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_reinforcement
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_small_arms

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_updates
        x = -1
        y = 1
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_updates

        completion_reward = { }

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_special_forces_effort
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_special_forces

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort3
        x = 0
        y = 2
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort3
        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_tank_effort
        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_artillery_modernization

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_support_companies_reinforcement
        icon = GFX_goal_support_companies

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_reinforcement
        x = 0
        y = 1
        cost = 10

        search_filters = {  FOCUS_FILTER_RESEARCH }

        prerequisite = {
            focus = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_reinforcement

        completion_reward = {

herbix commented 3 years ago

This also works on my machine:


Could you share another log? That is, after preview tab HOI4: greece.txt opened, run command Developer: Open Webview Developer Tools from command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), and you can find logs in console window.


Lazialize commented 3 years ago

oh, Im sorry. I was sending the wrong one. This is the right one.

focus_tree = {
    id = sre_greece_focus

    country = {
        base = 0
        modifier = {
            add = 10
            tag = GRE

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_establishment_of_a_military_dictatorship
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_military_deal

        x = 1
        y = 1
        cost = 10

        available = {
            has_country_flag = SRE_GRE_ioannis_metaxas_is_leader

        completion_reward = {
            set_politics = {
                ruling_party = neutrality
                elections_allowed = no

            set_party_name = {
                ideology = neutrality
                name = GRE_neutrality_party
                long_name = GRE_neutrality_party_long

            add_political_power = 150

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_dealing_with_political_unrest
        icon = GFX_goal_generic_dangerous_deal

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_establishment_of_a_military_dictatorship
        x = 0
        y = 1
        cost = 8

        completion_reward = {
            if = {
                limit = { has_idea = SRE_GRE_unstable_government }
                remove_ideas = SRE_GRE_unstable_government
            else_if = {
                limit = { has_idea = SRE_GRE_unstable_government2 }
                remove_ideas = SRE_GRE_unstable_government2
            else_if = {
                limit = { has_idea = SRE_GRE_unstable_government3 }
                remove_ideas = SRE_GRE_unstable_government3
            add_political_power = 150

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_army_effort
        x = 10
        y = 0

        cost = 10

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_infantry_equipment_updates

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_army_effort
        x = -2
        y = 1

        cost = 10

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_army_effort
        x = 0
        y = 1

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort2

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort
        x = 0
        y = 1

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort3

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_doctrine_effort2
        x = 0
        y = 1

        completion_reward = {


    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_army_effort

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_army_effort
        x = 2
        y = 1

        completion_reward = {


And the requested log is below.

VM61 renderer_init.js:2903 Electron Security Warning (enableBlinkFeatures) This renderer process has additional "enableBlinkFeatures"
  enabled. This exposes users of this app to some security risk. If you do not
  need this feature, you should disable it.

For more information and help, consult
This warning will not show up
once the app is packaged.
warnAboutEnableBlinkFeatures @ VM61 renderer_init.js:2903
VM61 renderer_init.js:2859 Electron Security Warning (Insecure Content-Security-Policy) This renderer process has either no Content Security
    Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled. This exposes users of
    this app to unnecessary security risks.

For more information and help, consult
This warning will not show up
once the app is packaged.
(anonymous) @ VM61 renderer_init.js:2859
focustree.js:8 Table not filled.
(anonymous) @ focustree.js:8
focustree.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at t (focustree.js:1)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
    at t (focustree.js:22)
herbix commented 3 years ago

The root cause of the issue is that relative_position_id of this focus is itself, so the preview page can't find the correct position of the focus. Removing relative_position_id or point it to other focus will fix the issue.

    focus = {
        id = SRE_GRE_army_effort

        relative_position_id = SRE_GRE_army_effort
        x = 2
        y = 1

        completion_reward = {


I'll do a change to show all errors clearly instead of just showing nothing.

Lazialize commented 3 years ago

ah, I see. I did not notice. Thank you.