hercules-390 / hyperion

Hercules 390
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Access hercules emulated OS from outside netwrok #267

Open kavita29dhingra opened 5 years ago

kavita29dhingra commented 5 years ago

We have used software VPN connection (RAAS) between the AWS VPC and client network. In AWS VPC we have created RHEL7.4 machine. On AWS RHEL 7.4 I have installed hercules V4.0 . On this hercules I have installed SUSE linux. I created another server in same AWS VPC and added route to access SUSE Linux OS (hercules emulated OS) . I can successfully access it, Now in order to access the same from client network added the route to VPN network but can not access the same. Can any one please help me what should be done to access the SUSE linux machine (hercules emulated OS ) from the client network.

Neo-Desktop commented 4 years ago

this is definitely not a Hyperion question