hercules-ci / gitignore.nix

Nix functions for filtering local git sources
The Unlicense
241 stars 18 forks source link

Add into Nixpkgs #6

Open roberth opened 5 years ago

roberth commented 5 years ago

Leave a thumbs up if it works for you and you think it should be included in Nixpkgs.

If not, add a comment or open an issue (thumbs down is like an error without a message...)

CMCDragonkai commented 4 years ago

If this one avoids the problem of https://github.com/siers/nix-gitignore/issues/23 then yes please put it in nixpkgs proper.

roberth commented 4 years ago

@CMCDragonkai gitignore.nix is based on cleanSourceWith under the hood, so perhaps that makes it sufficiently different. Did you try it?

CMCDragonkai commented 3 years ago

I wonder, if it can be done now?

nikstur commented 5 months ago

This would be lovely. Especially since the one that is currently in Nixpkgs is based on https://github.com/siers/nix-gitignore/ to which this project is basically the successor.