hercules-ci / hercules-ci-effects

Expressions to change the world (just a tiny bit)
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Sequencing CI effects #178

Open szg251 opened 1 week ago

szg251 commented 1 week ago

I have a cargoPublish configured in a monorepo with multiple Rust crates, where A depends on B. When running the publish effect, I want B to be published first, otherwise publishing A would falis. I know that cargo workspaces would be a solution, but in our architecture this is not an option. Is there a way to sequence effects somehow?

roberth commented 4 days ago

This feature has not been implemented yet. A workaround for your use case is to perform all publish actions in a single effect, which may also be slightly more efficient, by skipping setup like the src unpacking.

Nonetheless, this feature should be implemented :+1: