herebefrogs / forex-hockey

A 2-player, multitouch game mashup of Air Hockey, Hungry Hungry Hippo and OANDA Forex rates where the winning player is congratulated by former OANDA CEO K Duker in person. Best enjoyed on iPad. Initially developed in 24 hours during OANDA's December 2013 hackathon.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

all screens: use Fullscreen API when available #26

Open herebefrogs opened 10 years ago

herebefrogs commented 10 years ago

to maximize playable area without having to save the page as a desktop shortcut

Wawet76 commented 8 years ago

On Firefox, the url bar reappears when shooting pucks down. Switching to fullscreen will probably avoid that.

herebefrogs commented 8 years ago

Yes that's annoying like hell. And the game doesn't stop on Firefox when you tilt the phone in landscape mode, but that's more related to Issue #27