herebefrogs / forex-hockey

A 2-player, multitouch game mashup of Air Hockey, Hungry Hungry Hippo and OANDA Forex rates where the winning player is congratulated by former OANDA CEO K Duker in person. Best enjoyed on iPad. Initially developed in 24 hours during OANDA's December 2013 hackathon.
MIT License
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System reboot on Firefox 41 / Android 6 #30

Open Wawet76 opened 8 years ago

Wawet76 commented 8 years ago

The game quickly freeze or reboot the phone (I should probably report that to Google and/or Mozilla)

Nexus 5, Android 6.0, Firefox 41.0

It works with Chrome.

(Hi Gwe !)

herebefrogs commented 8 years ago

I have the same hardware/os/software combo and I've been able to play a game all the way through. I assume quickly means you can't even end a game?

(Hi Wally)