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BUG: The unwanted data in reponses #265

Open Subhash23jan opened 1 month ago

Subhash23jan commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

What happened?

When we tried to get a reuqests from the server ,it will give the author details with otp,passowrd,notes,many more but it leads to over head of data and we can send only author and description and his Id but it has everyhting

I found out this when i was working on it for flutter app

so could you assign this to me ,i'll fix it

Look here to get more idea

{_id: 66471fcceee8967106775d0d, description: need notes odf coaaaa, author: {otp: 862185, _id: 66465b39f3154303c3ebfb48, username: pratham_9teen, email:, password: $2b$10$a42kzgeUICpYyWEOK9iKkOdyauLJJBEGnIgO0NsLLUpq2VptB7iQ2, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [66477289dc8975fd54dca71e], likedNotes: [], bookMarkedNotes: [], coins: 10, createdAt: 2024-05-16T19:15:05.394Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-17T15:06:49.634Z, v: 3}, createdAt: 2024-05-17T09:13:48.181Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-17T09:13:48.181Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 66471fcceee8967106775d10, description: need notes odf coaaaa, author: {otp: 862185, _id: 66465b39f3154303c3ebfb48, username: pratham_9teen, email:, password: $2b$10$a42kzgeUICpYyWEOK9iKkOdyauLJJBEGnIgO0NsLLUpq2VptB7iQ2, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [66477289dc8975fd54dca71e], likedNotes: [], bookMarkedNotes: [], coins: 10, createdAt: 2024-05-16T19:15:05.394Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-17T15:06:49.634Z, v: 3}, createdAt: 2024-05-17T09:13:48.455Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-17T09:13:48.455Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 66476e7f089a3ff00187bcb6, description: hi, author: {otp: 629420, _id: 66476c36089a3ff00187bc64, username: qq, email:, password: $2b$10$SwT6Vt.b4Mb73H6/C7wfSOFsMt5eqm7L.M2/xmHGb1jD7E9ws/T.O, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [], likedNotes: [], bookMarkedNotes: [], coins: 0, createdAt: 2024-05-17T14:39:50.827Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-28T15:06:27.762Z, v: 2}, createdAt: 2024-05-17T14:49:35.400Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-17T14:49:35.400Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 6647a9f1dc8975fd54dca8df, description: Machine Learning Notes I/flutter ( 2114): , author: {otp: 350491, _id: 6647a997dc8975fd54dca8aa, username: rose, email:, password: $2b$10$d0qqF3Q0/56vu5Pepr6O3.vH1R3NJhy2fRaNlUyontmLtx5lXKhvm, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [6647aa8bdc8975fd54dca8fc, 6647ab36dc8975fd54dca948], likedNotes: [], bookMarkedNotes: [66471c6deba682710a034aef], coins: 20, createdAt: 2024-05-17T19:01:43.813Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-17T19:08:38.749Z, v: 5}, createdAt: 2024-05-17T19:03:13.197Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-17T19:03:13.197Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 66489a1734f987fa82071b43, description: test, author: {otp: 882039, _id: 6648995234f987fa82071aaf, username: test5, email:, password: $2b$10$CW5G2X4gpUSXBKSWABdLruC0YkgYwmFawYyyPDwiHRxzyaEi8AKAG, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [664899d134f987fa82071afe, 6648a15334f987fa82071c9d], likedNotes: [66471c6deba682710a034aef], bookMarkedNotes: [66471f66eba682710a034d28], coins: 20, createdAt: 2024-05-18T12:04:34.832Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-18T12:38:43.317Z, v: 8}, createdAt: 2024-05-18T12:07:51.756Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-18T12:07:51.756Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 6648c2c734f987fa82071e36, description: machine learning I/flutter ( 2114): , author: {otp: 086853, _id: 6648c23634f987fa82071e18, username: johndoe, email:, password: $2b$10$n4hve.nS97FqTnt3ubpRkOGODF5zj4PmsgBgbP0puE9fpXxAhJfgS, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [], likedNotes: [], bookMarkedNotes: [66471c6deba682710a034aef], coins: 0, createdAt: 2024-05-18T14:59:02.727Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-18T15:00:32.924Z, v: 1}, createdAt: 2024-05-18T15:01:27.862Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-18T15:01:27.862Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 664c84fd34f987fa82072617, description: i need dbms notes for 4th sem, author: {otp: 251873, _id: 664c848834f987fa82072602, username: akshita_12, email:, password: $2b$10$/tiQ1Z/lNNGtB/aeoos7CemG/A39x2cuKMH6sYqMFrxjuUvqNV0US, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [664c892734f987fa82072682], likedNotes: [6647ab36dc8975fd54dca948], bookMarkedNotes: [664720ee7ab59291cd9c8ee3], coins: 10, createdAt: 2024-05-21T11:24:56.530Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-21T11:44:39.891Z, v: 3}, createdAt: 2024-05-21T11:26:53.020Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-21T11:26:53.020Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 664df80034f987fa8207285c, description: i need digital signal processing notes, author: {otp: 641923, _id: 664df53a34f987fa8207280b, username: tanvi_1107, email:, password: $2b$10$PCP7mgJZo89ELGq.8jMndeX7iCbtfOZq/6MwbkG6oOA45YpGE4uO2, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [], likedNotes: [], bookMarkedNotes: [], coins: 0, createdAt: 2024-05-22T13:38:02.134Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-22T13:40:31.840Z, v: 4}, createdAt: 2024-05-22T13:49:52.964Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-22T13:49:52.964Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 665254fa34f987fa82072f24, description: I need Computer Network notes, author: {otp: 024099, _id: 6652548d34f987fa82072f0a, username: amish, email:, password: $2b$10$ja1jFB2YMrN/1dn56WRLkuwRuvPRH436MjBqttIUuQGXXCFffzlhC, isverified: true, userPhoto:, notes: [], likedNotes: [], bookMarkedNotes: [], coins: 0, createdAt: 2024-05-25T21:13:49.035Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-25T21:14:50.422Z, v: 0}, createdAt: 2024-05-25T21:15:38.039Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-25T21:15:38.039Z, v: 0} I/flutter ( 2114): {_id: 665730d3faa020e80b4cd07c, description: machien learning, author: {otp: 327684, _id: 663f6c0ab0db9b8e8c8f7c63, username: ezhil, email:, password: $2b$10$KW4IuTyW6jfZH3vpU.aZ1uWaao6xewyG9ayIK8u44dItZd36eumbq, userPhoto:, notes: [], likedNotes: [66471c6deba682710a034aef], createdAt: 2024-05-11T13:00:58.594Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-26T10:20:43.311Z, v: 32, bookMarkedNotes: [663464f5012d7206de5656ec], coins: 0, isverified: true}, createdAt: 2024-05-29T13:42:43.179Z, updatedAt: 2024-05-29T13:42:43.179Z, v: 0}


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Congratulations, @Subhash23jan! 🎉 Thank you for creating your issue. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with you to resolve the issue. Keep up the great work!

We will promptly review your changes and offer feedback. Keep up the excellent work! Kindly remember to check our contributing guidelines