I was uploading this csv dataset via here-cli using this command to define the lat/lng fields and some properties..
here xyz upload -f downloads/DocklessTripOpenData.csv -x StartLongitude -y StartLatitude -s -p StartDate,TripDuration,TripDistance,DayOfWeek
No space ID specified, creating a new XYZ space for this upload.
? Enter a title for the new space: louisville_dockless
? Enter a description for the new space : open dockless rideshare data
xyzspace '7pdp8Llz' created successfully
? Select property which should be be used for Latitude StartLatitude : 38.253
new Latitude field selected - StartLatitude
? Select property which should be be used for Longitude StartLongitude : -85.756
new Longitude field selected - StartLongitude
uploaded feature count :434382, failed feature count :0
434382 features uploaded to XYZ space '7pdp8Llz' in 228.135 seconds, at the rate of 1904 features per second
the command works successfully, but I'm still prompted to define the lat/lng fields.
I suspect there is a row with null values for the defined lat and lon fields. I know we ask as a check if the first line is null, but it shouldn't do this later in the file.
hi 👋
I was uploading this csv dataset via here-cli using this command to define the lat/lng fields and some properties..
the command works successfully, but I'm still prompted to define the lat/lng fields.