heresy / angular2-social-login-example

angular2-social-login Example
13 stars 17 forks source link

I am trying with Linkedin but i am getting this error #17

Open harishmahajan opened 6 years ago

harishmahajan commented 6 years ago

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'authorize' of undefined at Observable._subscribe (auth.service.js:82) at Observable.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/Observable.js.Observable._trySubscribe (Observable.js:172) at Observable.webpackJsonp.../../../../rxjs/Observable.js.Observable.subscribe (Observable.js:160) at AppComponent.webpackJsonp.../../../../../src/app/app.component.ts.AppComponent.signIn (app.component.ts:16) at Object.eval [as handleEvent] (AppComponent.html:18) at handleEvent (core.es5.js:11998) at callWithDebugContext (core.es5.js:13467) at Object.debugHandleEvent [as handleEvent] (core.es5.js:13055) at dispatchEvent (core.es5.js:8614) at core.es5.js:9228

eduibrahim commented 6 years ago

Same here!

rockers007 commented 6 years ago

same here

rockers007 commented 6 years ago

Solved. Go to follow below screenshots

rockers007 commented 6 years ago
