hermansimensen / eventqueue-fix

Replaces general event queue found within Source-engine games with a lag-resistant event queue per player entity
GNU General Public License v3.0
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bhop_lowg [CS:S] broken on custom styles like scroll/lowg etc #15

Closed Nairdaa closed 2 years ago

Nairdaa commented 2 years ago

The "jump" height on that map will be just regular jump height rather than the "low grav" intended by that map

rtldg commented 2 years ago

not sure this would be caused by eventqueuefix anyway but i don't have this problem with the latest from this repo's master branch

Nairdaa commented 2 years ago

Actually, I took the newest release, not the newest branch. I'll test with the newest branch and come back. That bug was happening with eventqueuefix loaded and gone when it was unloaded btw. But yes, as you said, I'll test the newest branch instead first.

Nairdaa commented 2 years ago

I did as I was suggested. Tested with newest bhoptimer version from the masterbranch (3.1.2a) together with newest mater branch of eventqueuefix - still broken.

turtlshell commented 2 years ago

Just to elaborate- there are 4 triggers surrounding the startzone on bhop_lowg which lower your gravity when you touch them. With eventqueuefix loaded, upon leaving the startzone these triggers do not activate, and your gravity is 800 as normal- you'd have to strafe back into the triggers to activate them. With eventqueuefix unloaded the map works as intended.

Nairdaa commented 2 years ago

Thanks for explaining in details, Tortoise. Nairda can't into explaining stuff.

rtldg commented 2 years ago

was because of shavit_zones_box_offset 0. added the map to mapfixes https://github.com/shavitush/bhoptimer/commit/7399512f5e98b34d6547008998448d50a303dc08

Nairdaa commented 2 years ago

// Offset zone trigger boxes by this many unit // 0 - matches players bounding box // 16 - matches players center // - // Default: "16" shavit_zones_box_offset "16"

you sure?

rtldg commented 2 years ago

seemed to be the cause for me since i could generally jump and have the gravity set

Nairdaa commented 2 years ago

Well. Even tho the reason you mentioned was not the actual reason, the mapfix you posted made it work properly. Thank you!