hermit-os / uhyve

A specialized hypervisor for Hermit.
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Unsoundness in the implementation of several functions #571

Open shinmao opened 1 year ago

shinmao commented 1 year ago

The source of unsoundness

https://github.com/hermit-os/uhyve/blob/419435763d826e4578d6d234549cce9a37b11e4c/src/linux/virtqueue.rs#L51-L54 Hi, we consider that ring_elem is unsound because it allows u8 pointer cast to arbitrary pointer types and dereference the types. It can break the alignment and the validity invariants at the same time.

To reproduce the bug

To reproduce the misalignment issue

use uhyvelib::linux::virtqueue::Vring;

fn main() {
    let mem: u8 = 0;
    let mut vr = Vring::new(&mem as *const u8);
    let em: &mut [u16; 4] = vr.ring_elem(0u16);
    println!("{:?}", em);

execute the code and get panic,

thread 'main' panicked at 'misaligned pointer dereference: address must be a multiple of 0x2 but is 0x7fff8b2c183b', /${HOME}/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/uhyve-0.2.2/src/linux/virtqueue.rs:53:18

The misaligned pointer dereference is triggered here because you cast the type aligned to 1 byte to the one aligned to 2 bytes. If this is what you plan, then you could change dereference to read_unaligned.

Here, we can also specify em as bool types. Run it can get you the results such as [true, true, true, false]. However, run with miri then you can find that mem.offset already access out-of-bound.

error: Undefined Behavior: out-of-bounds pointer arithmetic: alloc1424 has size 1, so pointer to 4 bytes starting at offset 0 is out-of-bounds
   --> /${HOME}/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/ptr/const_ptr.rs:466:18
466 |         unsafe { intrinsics::offset(self, count) }
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ out-of-bounds pointer arithmetic: alloc1424 has size 1, so pointer to 4 bytes starting at offset 0 is out-of-bounds

It means that our bool type points to invalid value actually.

shinmao commented 1 year ago

We consider that there are some other misaligned pointer dereference in this package.

The source of unsoundness

First of all, in <linux::vcpu::UhyveCPU as vm::VirtualCPU>::r#continue: https://github.com/hermit-os/uhyve/blob/92458f59930789a84effb8aa0b3dc103c35ccd09/src/linux/vcpu.rs#L360-L361 addr was cast to u32 and cause to misaligned pointer dereference!

Secondly, the methods implementated for uhyvelib::linux::virtqueue::Vring are unsound. The unsound methods include _flags, index, and advance_index. Worth noting that the usage of offset in index and advance_index cannot avoid alignment issues. It should be changed to the code such as self.mem.add(self.mem.align_offset(align_of::<u16>())).

To reproduce the bug

use uhyvelib::linux::virtqueue::Vring;

fn main() {
    let a: u8 = 1;
    let v = Vring::<u8>::new(&a as *const u8);
    // println!("{}", v._flags());
    println!("{}", v.index());

This code shows how to trigger undefined behavior with _flags and index. Just run the code,

thread 'main' panicked at /${HOME}/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/uhyve-0.2.2/src/linux/virtqueue.rs:38:13:
misaligned pointer dereference: address must be a multiple of 0x2 but is 0x7fff6343e199
mkroening commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for opening this issue. We are aware that our virtio implementation is problematic, both in the kernel and in Uhyve.

We are making plans on addressing those problems in the long term. If you would like to contribute, please tell us, so we can coordinate.

It would be helpful if this issue could be split up into two separate issues. The VcpuExit::IoOut(port, addr) might be solved separately. :)

shinmao commented 1 year ago

@mkroening I would love to help fix the issue in my free time. Feel free to ping me in the future!

mkroening commented 1 year ago

Sounds great! Contributions are always welcome. We have a Zulip for chatting and coordination. :)

I have also just added links to Zulip to the organizations README for better discoverability.

shinmao commented 12 months ago

@mkroening Hi, I just noticed that the following two methods



could have the totally same misaligned pointer issues as described above. Could you explain more about why the clippy warning would be suppressed here?

mkroening commented 12 months ago

Good find! That should definitely be fixed. I can only guess that this was just to silence clippy without being aware of the consequences and opening an issue.

shinmao commented 12 months ago

Yup! I think it would be easy for you to fix it now 👍

mkroening commented 12 months ago

I can't say how difficult it would be. I did not have a close look yet. :)

See https://github.com/hermit-os/uhyve/commit/aa5758ed9e87b516bf794e968967192a336e4331 for the introduction and more such cases.

shinmao commented 12 months ago

Sorry I can't say that.

Personally speaking, I suggest to use read_unaligned rather than just dereference. It might be able to patch the code with minimum budget.

jmintb commented 11 months ago

Can I have a go at this? :)

mkroening commented 11 months ago

Can I have a go at this? :)

Sure! Thanks! :)

jounathaen commented 5 months ago

I have the feeling, that this issue is vacant as of today :sweat_smile: