hermit-os / uhyve

A specialized hypervisor for Hermit.
Apache License 2.0
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Implement ASLR #707

Open jounathaen opened 3 weeks ago

jounathaen commented 3 weeks ago

As Hermit is relocatable, we should load the Kernel to a random address in the virtual address space. The starting point for this is here: https://github.com/hermit-os/uhyve/blob/9ba3c9d638a94d847bace37db092a20611e6a865/src/vm.rs#L182-L200

n0toose commented 3 weeks ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/hermit-os/uhyve/issues/323?

n0toose commented 3 weeks ago

I came across a problem when trying to find the lowest possible barrier that applications can be loaded from. I spent the last hour investigating, and plan to bring out gdb and Valgrind after trying to get a better picture of where the problem exactly happens.

This is a long text, mostly for myself as I like "working in public" and, if I don't get any further, help any future contributors to this project (or perhaps myself).

So, we have memory, and we are looking for some place to load the kernel onto. There are currently three limitations:

The size is assumed to be 0x8000:



I'd imagine that to be a bit large on its own, but nevertheless... let's set the start address to 0x000000 + KERNEL_STACK_SIZE. Uhyve fails silently when running cargo run -- -v data/x86_64/rusty_demo.

So, this is either an alignment problem or, perhaps, as the KERNEL_STACK_SIZE value is hard-coded, we need more space? It's probably the space, perhaps the hard-coded size is not enough, so we could try guessing things until things work.

I tried a few different values for 0x000000 + KERNEL_STACK_SIZE (as I was curious whether something else would break if I changed the KERNEL_STACK_SIZE but had enough space - the final bit is important for the paging):

KERNEL_STACK_SIZE with rusty_demo:


   Compiling uhyve v0.3.0 (/home/user/ACS/uhyve)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.38s
     Running `target/debug/uhyve -v data/x86_64/rusty_demo`
[0][INFO] Welcome to Hermit 0.6.9
[0][INFO] Kernel starts at 12100
[0][INFO] BSS starts at 0xeadf0
[0][INFO] tls_info = Some(
    TlsInfo {
        start: 0xdde20,
        filesz: 0x30,
        memsz: 0xc9,
        align: 0x10,
[0][PANIC] panicked at src/arch/x86_64/mm/paging.rs:319:58:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: ParentEntryHugePage
Number of interrupts
[0][INFO] shutting down with code 1

... which is fair. But worth a try anyway.

*The lowest address from which Uhyve (rusty_demo) starts to work, starting from 0x000000 is 0x13000 ()**. The assumed value of KERNEL_STACK_SIZE is 0x8000. So there is an additional "gap" of 0x13000 - 0x8000 = 0x5000. "OK", I said, "The boot stack takes up more space than expected, should I just bump the number to 0x13000 for now and trust that it can be used as a lower boundary?".

Here's the fun part! hello_c, which is presumably more lightweight, works if we set the start address (again, KERNEL_STACK_SIZE) from 0x12000 (gap: 0x12000 - 0x8000 = 0x4000) too! hello_world doesn't work at 0x12000.

Is something wrong with start_addr()? Why does the gap left of the defined kernel_start_address "change" depending on the application being run?

To be continued?

mkroening commented 2 weeks ago

hello_c, which is presumably more lightweight, works if we set the start address (again, KERNEL_STACK_SIZE) from 0x12000 (gap: 0x12000 - 0x8000 = 0x4000) too!

Note that Hermit C images are not relocatable yet, so KernelObject::start_addr returns Some(addr), that we have to load to.

n0toose commented 2 weeks ago

Note that Hermit C images are not relocatable yet, so KernelObject::start_addr returns Some(addr), that we have to load to.

Thank goodness that there's a clear explanation for this and that not all images are relocatable - even if that's the goal - but it seems convenient enough to just compare the values. Should've brought the debugger out, but my brain turned mushy.

(EDIT: I laid out a plan here, but now I am actually attempting the implementation and turned this already-large reply to a TODO list. My tree can be found here: https://github.com/n0toose/uhyve/tree/aslr-support-poc)


There's, without being sure if it's exclusively because of Uhyve or if anything else is reserving anything, not enough space.

I am not sure what the consequences would be, given the value is only used to check if there's space before loading anything.


Clean up: (will open in separate issues if the implementation lands to main)

I am not sure if I can estimate the time this would take me.

I previously discussed using goblin to evaluate whether an ELF file is relocatable, but it was seen as too redundant because images should always be relocatable by definition. This still represents the project's direction and I believe in reducing bloat when developing software, but has been discussed before (https://github.com/hermit-os/uhyve/issues/26#issuecomment-773611347). I'll avoid using goblin, as hermit_entry is already doing what we'd otherwise need from goblin.