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Can't suspend single accounts. Bulk suspend works. #460

Closed uhTWO closed 6 years ago

uhTWO commented 7 years ago

When suspending single accounts, we get a Forbidden error. Reinstalling the CLI does not solve the issue. We believe it may be related to this

mikelikesbikes commented 7 years ago

I have a feeling that this is because the single user suspend is essentially masquerading as the user and self-suspending... but that user won't have access to the bulk suspend route.

All that said, @uhTWO can you run the command that's failing with HEROKU_DEBUG=1 HEROKU_DEBUG_HEADERS=1 and share the output?

uhTWO commented 7 years ago


TreyFord commented 7 years ago

@chadbailey59 following the lunch discussion - halp?

blackfist commented 7 years ago

I want to bump this issue. It hasn't been touched in 18 days and it is really impairing our ability to do our work. Is there any way that we can partner on this and try to get it fixed in the next couple days?

The secops team suspends anywhere from 7 to 20 accounts every day. And right now instead of just typing our suspend command we have to first write a file with the user name and then issue the suspend command. I know it doesn't seem like much, and it's fine for a week or so while it's being worked on, but it is a big pain in the butt and we really need it fixed.

ransombriggs commented 7 years ago

@blackfist @mikelikesbikes worked through this yesterday and arrived at a solution that should hopefully work. Could you please heroku update and then heroku plugins and verify that you have version 4.4.12 and then try again?

blackfist commented 7 years ago

@ransombriggs cli is being weird for me. I know that I have more plugins than this

kthomp-ltm:~ kevin.thompson$ heroku update
heroku-cli: Updating heroku-slugs... done
kthomp-ltm:~ kevin.thompson$ heroku plugins
=== Installed Plugins
ransombriggs commented 7 years ago

@blackfist can you paste in the output of heroku version?

blackfist commented 7 years ago
heroku version
heroku-toolbelt/3.43.9999 (x86_64-darwin10.8.0) ruby/1.9.3
heroku-cli/5.9.9-b7d5539 (darwin-amd64) go1.7.5
=== Installed Plugins
ransombriggs commented 7 years ago

@uhTWO you need to delete your authorization, I saw it in the debug output and removed it

ransombriggs commented 7 years ago

@blackfist What is the output of cat ~/.local/share/heroku/plugins/plugins.json | jq .\[\].name ? If you do not have jq installed, just send me the name attributes of the array.

blackfist commented 7 years ago


kevin.thompson$ cat ~/.local/share/heroku/plugins/plugins.json | jq .\[\].name
ransombriggs commented 7 years ago

@blackfist If you do not depend on home built ruby plugins could you re-install the CLI from https://cli.heroku.com ? I can see in the version that you still have the old ruby CLI bits installed and I want to eliminate that from the possibilities in debugging (and your CLI will also be faster)

uhTWO commented 7 years ago

@ransombriggs During troubleshooting (before placing this issue) I reinstalled the CLI, and I'm pretty sure at least one other SecOps member did as well. Just FYI.

jdx commented 7 years ago

@ransombriggs toolbelt no longer displays plugins from v5 or v6, this is a known issue we will not be fixing.

blackfist commented 7 years ago

ok I've reinstalled CLI and I've got sudo v 4.4.12. Now I just need to find someone that needs suspending. This always happens. Usually I'm swimming in people that need suspending, but when I need to test something everything goes quiet.

blackfist commented 7 years ago

ok, it seems like it's working for me.