heroku / legacy-cli

Heroku CLI
MIT License
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Unable to connect to Heroku API, please check internet connectivity and try again. #1268

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

I have been trying to run migrate my heroku app but i keep on getting error message.

heroku run rake db:migrate

Running rake db:migrate attached to terminal... up, run.6844 ! Unable to connect to Heroku API, please check internet connectivity and try again.

ghost commented 9 years ago

@dickeyxxx can you look upon the issue?

jdx commented 9 years ago

can you send the output of EXCON_DEBUG=true heroku run rake db:migrate?

ghost commented 9 years ago

Running rake db:migrate attached to terminal... excon.request :chunk_size => 1048576 :ciphers => "HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES" :connect_timeout => 60 :debug_request => true :debug_response => true :expects => 200 :headers => { "Accept" => "application/json" "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip" "Authorization" => "REDACTED" "Host" => "api.heroku.com:443" "User-Agent" => "heroku-gem/3.15.0 (x86_64-linux) ruby/2.1.2" "X-Ruby-Platform" => "x86_64-linux" "X-Ruby-Version" => "2.1.2" } :host => "api.heroku.com" :idempotent => false :instrumentor => Excon::StandardInstrumentor :instrumentor_name => "excon" :method => :post :middlewares => [ Excon::Middleware::ResponseParser Excon::Middleware::Expects Excon::Middleware::Idempotent Excon::Middleware::Instrumentor Excon::Middleware::Mock ] :mock => false :nonblock => false :omit_default_port => false :path => "/apps/glacial-ravine-3731/ps" :persistent => false :port => "443" :proxy => { :host => "" :password => "REDACTED" :path => nil :port => 3128 :scheme => "https" :user => "edcguest" } :query => { :attach => true "command" => "rake db:migrate" "ps_env[COLUMNS]" => "169" "ps_env[LINES]" => "20" "ps_env[TERM]" => "xterm" } :read_timeout => 60 :retries_remaining => 4 :retry_limit => 4 :scheme => "https" :ssl_verify_peer => true :tcp_nodelay => false :uri_parser => URI :versions => "excon/0.41.0 (x86_64-linux) ruby/2.1.2" :writetimeout => 60 excon.response :body => "\x1F\x8B\b\x00\xB7dfT\x00\x03\x8FMn\xC4 \f\x85\xAF\x12\xB1\xED$1\x90\x1F\x92S\xF4\x06\x91\x03\xCE\fjB\" \xA3\xCET\xBD{a\x16\xAD\xD4\x95m\xDE\xFB\x8C\xDF\x17\xC3\x18Q\xDF\xC8\xB01\xFA\x93.L\xEF\xDB\x86.\x8Dl>\x9DY\xA9\xA0O\xD2\x85\xC7\x0F*\xCCn\xF6\xEA1\x12\xBB0<\x8E\xC9\xE1F\xC9x]Q[\\K\x8Fw\xEB\xA8\x94\xBD\xE4\xC9@+\x1E!\xEF\xE5\x17f\xF3\xD5q\xD0z\xD0%p-\xCB\xC6\xE8\xAETR\x88\x12[\xB1`\xDBJ4\xBCK\xDC\xE1)\xC6\xC7\x14b\xFEgd\xA9\xFAh\xDD\xB5Xv\xF0\xF02\xEC\x9ABH\x9A?]%{\xC8\x94\xA7\x950$\xC8\xBD3\xF4\xBC\xEFg\x98N\xBFf\xDF\xEF\xC3X\xD7\x7FC\x95\xF8h7\xAAn\xE4\xF7\x8F\xB3J\xD1\xC7\x16\x00\xEAv6\x1A\x96\x0EuG\x04\x06\x84\x10C\xAFZ\xADZ\x04\xDE\xAB\xB9\x93\xD0\xF7\xB3$\x90\r\x1F\xE6^/\v\xC8\x85\x90\xA3Y\xB82\x1D6\xE9\x9E\x9F\xF4\x8A\xFE?G\xD2\xA2G\x17l\xB4\xBB#3aL\xA2\x00\xDE\xD4\x9C\xD7\xBC)\x04\x8CB\x8E\x15o\xE9\x12\xC8\xEE\xC7\x91\xF9\xF7\xC0\xBE\x7F\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x03\x00\x8F\xED\xD5\xA6\xAE\x01\x00\x00" :headers => { "Connection" => "keep-alive" "Content-Encoding" => "gzip" "Content-Length" => "318" "Content-Type" => "application/json;charset=utf-8" "Date" => "Fri, 14 Nov 2014 20:23:19 GMT" "Oauth-Scope" => "global" "Oauth-Scope-Accepted" => "global write write-protected" "Request-Id" => "9358dcea-8deb-4b7a-9e88-833c178228f0" "Server" => "nginx/1.4.7" "Status" => "200 OK" "Vary" => "Accept-Encoding" "X-Content-Type-Options" => "nosniff" "X-RateLimit-Remaining" => "2399" "X-Runtime" => "0.415084673" } :local_address => "" :local_port => 58838 :reason_phrase => "OK" :remote_ip => "" :status => 200 up, run.3706 ! Unable to connect to Heroku API, please check internet connectivity and try again.

jdx commented 9 years ago

@aruzmeister this doesn't look like an issue with the CLI, mind submitting a ticket?

ghost commented 9 years ago

Yes i have already submitted.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Why are you closing but my bug isn't solved yet?

ghost commented 9 years ago

@dickeyxxx I didn't got any reponse regarding these problem i am in really dire need to run application. It would be great if you could me help out with that.

jdx commented 9 years ago

@aruzmeister I can't seem to find a ticket in support for this, mind submitting a new one? https://help.heroku.com/tickets/new alternatively you could give me the support ID. I'm closing this since it's not a CLI issue.

jdx commented 9 years ago

definitely reference this issue though

ghost commented 9 years ago

@dickeyxxx i will try to submit new one and let you know