heroku / lein-heroku

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Also look for uberjar-name in uberjar-profile #4

Open robinheghan opened 9 years ago

robinheghan commented 9 years ago

There are several projects that places everything uberjar related (like the uberjar-name) into an uberjar-profile. When this is the case, the user gets an error saying that this plugin only supports uberjar builds, which is slightly confusing.

From what I can understand of the source code, this is due to only checking the root level of project.clj for uberjar-name.

jkutner commented 9 years ago

makes sense

jkutner commented 9 years ago

The more I think about this, the more I think of edge cases. There could be a profiles.clj, and I'm unsure of how to cover all of these. Do you think an optional :uberjar-name entry in the :heroku config would be acceptable? I guess that would require duplicating the value.

robinheghan commented 9 years ago

Isn't profiles.clj merged before plugins get the project map? :S In any case, specifying uberjar-name in something like profiles.clj can't be the norm (or is it?), I would think such a setting would be specific for each project.