heroku / roadmap

This is the public roadmap for Salesforce Heroku services.
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Heroku platform support for Cloud Native Buildpacks #20

Open capeterson opened 1 year ago

capeterson commented 1 year ago

The Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB) project is the latest generation of the buildpack technology first conceived by Heroku in 2011. With CNBs having joined the CNCF, we're working on adding full CNB support back to the Heroku platform itself.

While CNBs will represent the latest and greatest, rest assured that we will continue to support existing buildpacks within our support lifecycle and provide a method of running these existing buildpacks alongside CNBs.

Creation of Heroku-supported buildpacks is represented via #19 .

deathwish commented 1 year ago

Does this mean you guys will finally fix the issues with CNB generated Docker images demonstrated by deathwish/heroku-docker-release?

ryanmoran commented 1 year ago

Will the platform support using third-party buildpacks, or only those made available by Heroku?

hone commented 1 year ago

@deathwish I don't know if the implementation under the hood will fix that, but thanks for sharing.

@ryanmoran :wave: It's nice to see you here. :) I don't think I'm allowed to promise anything, but I'd be pretty sad if we did not support custom buildpacks at some point since they've been an integral part of what makes Heroku a platform.

ASayre commented 1 year ago

@ryanmoran The ability to use your own Custom Buildpacks are a crucial part of the Heroku experience. This is an extensibility point we definitely care about, and the ability to use them is something that we want to be included as part of this overall effort.

It would be silly not to have support for our CNB community, and all the great things that they build!

ASayre commented 4 months ago

Rest assured we're hard at work on this! We'll be sharing more info soon at KubeCon's AppDeveloperCon. Of course, these are all open sources repos, so you can follow the CNBs for each of our supported individual languages in their respective repos.