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CRON expressions in Procfile #293

Open rutchkiwi opened 4 months ago

rutchkiwi commented 4 months ago

Required Terms

What service(s) is this request for?

heroku dynos, scheduler

Tell us about what you're trying to solve. What challenges are you facing?

We semi-frequently have issues with people forgetting to manually add/delete jobs in the heroku scheduler. On top of this, fiddling with these jobs manually though a webpage means we don't have any history of what things were scheduled nor when.

It would be way nicer if in the Procfile I could defined a schedule for jobs. For example

refresh_purchase_suggestions:            psql $DATABASE_URL -c "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW product_purchase_data"

would become

30 1 * * *        psql $DATABASE_URL -c "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW product_purchase_data"

That way, all the drawbacks mentioned in the top would be fixed, and schedule changes could be checked in pull requests, and viewed in the git log.

elimchaysengSF commented 3 months ago

Thanks for raising this feature request - I've documented the request and will get some preliminary reviews from our eng team which owns the service that powers Scheduler to see what's possible for new ways to schedule jobs. I'll also keep an eye here for any additional feedback and inputs to gauge prioritization justification!