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Heroku Connect Reuse Existing Schema #296

Open mdanku opened 1 month ago

mdanku commented 1 month ago

Required Terms

What service(s) is this request for?

Postgres, Connect

Tell us about what you're trying to solve. What challenges are you facing?

Currently, Heroku Connect requires the dropping or renaming of an existing Postgres schema in order to recreate the Connect instance. This can be a problem if you have views in other schemas that reference tables in the Heroku Connect schema. It would be great if there could be more of an "in-place" approach to recreating Connect instances, where the schema and tables can be reused. Alternatively, it would be helpful if Connect instances did not need to be recreated for cases of a Salesforce sandbox refresh or change to the API version.

vivekvj01 commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for bringing this up @mdanku. This seems like a frustrating situation. Let us look into this.