heroku / salesforce-bulk

Python interface to the Salesforce.com Bulk API
MIT License
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Switches the csv library to unicodecsv #22

Closed alexhughson closed 7 years ago

alexhughson commented 9 years ago

Without it, bulk uploading data that has unicode characters will fail.

It is api compatible with csv, so nothing else needs to change.

harmon commented 8 years ago

OMG, please! I just handled another case in our system about it breaking on UTF-8 characters.

harmon commented 8 years ago

Anyone? I'd hate to have to fork this project.

robert-halliday commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I periodically see this bug as well.

Quuxplusone commented 8 years ago

We've also encountered it, and (after a brief foray into shooting ourselves in the foot by modifying sys.modules['csv']) are planning to fork the repo so that we can apply this patch.

adamchainz commented 8 years ago

https://pypi.python.org/pypi/backports.csv would be better for Python 3 compat

bholagabbar commented 7 years ago

@alexhughson you are my hero