herotc / hero-rotation

WoW Addon - Attempt to provide the useful and precise information to execute the best possible DPS rotation in every situation.
European Union Public License 1.2
168 stars 125 forks source link

fix for error #1140

Closed DakJaniels closed 1 month ago

DakJaniels commented 1 month ago

This should resolve this error,

HeroRotation_Hunter/BeastMastery.lua:159: attempt to call global 'PlayerGCD' (a nil value)
[string "@HeroRotation_Hunter/BeastMastery.lua"]:159: in function `Condition'
[string "@HeroRotation/Commons.lua"]:116: in function `CastTargetIf'
[string "@HeroRotation_Hunter/BeastMastery.lua"]:334: in function <HeroRotation_Hunter/BeastMastery.lua:283>
[string "@HeroRotation_Hunter/BeastMastery.lua"]:459: in function `?'
[string "@HeroRotation/Main.lua"]:476: in function <HeroRotation/Main.lua:455>

TargetUnit = <table> {
 UnitExists = true
 UnitNPCID = 207438
 UnitGUID = "Vehicle-0-3133-1004-1386-207438-000024E38A"
 UnitID = "target"
 UseCache = true
 UnitName = "Headless Horseman"
 UnitCanBeAttacked = true
(*temporary) = 73.589000
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'PlayerGCD' (a nil value)"
S = <table> {
 PoisonInjection = <table> {
 FrenzyPetBuff = <table> {
 FuriousAssault = <table> {
 BlackArrowTalent = <table> {
 BeastCleave = <table> {
 BeastCleavePetBuff = <table> {
 Smack = <table> {
 BarbedScales = <table> {
 ViciousHunt = <table> {
 ScareBeast = <table> {
 HuntersPreyBuff = <table> {
 BlackArrow = <table> {
 SteelTrap = <table> {
 BerserkingBuff = <table> {
 BestialWrathPetBuff = <table> {
 BloodBolt = <table> {
 HuntersMark = <table> {
 ArcaneShot = <table> {
 Barrage = <table> {
 Flare = <table> {
 SerpentStingDebuff = <table> {
 Stampede = <table> {
 SummonPet2 = <table> {
 ScentofBlood = <table> {
 BloodyFrenzy = <table> {
 AMurderofCrows = <table> {
 HuntersMarkDebuff = <table> {
 SeethingRageBuff = <table> {
 BagofTricks = <table> {
 KillerInstinct = <table> {
 BleakPowder = <table> {
 Intimidation = <table> {
 Exhilaration = <table> {
 KillCleave = <table> {
 LatentPoisonDebuff = <table> {
 DeathblowBuff = <table> {
 KillCommand = <table> {
 Savagery = <table> {
 AncestralCall = <table> {
 KillerCobra = <table> {
 LightsJudgment = <table> {
 AspectoftheWild = <table> {
 Muzzle = <table> {
 FuriousAssaultBuff = <table> {
 KillShot = <table> {
 ArcanePulse = <table> {
 SerpentSting = <table> {
 AnimalCompanion = <table> {
 VenomsBite = <table> {
 Stomp = <table> {
 HowlofthePack = <table> {
 TarTrapDebuff = <table> {
 SummonPet5 = <table> {
 Bloodshed = <table> {
 Fireblood = <table> {
 TarTrap = <table> {
 CulltheHerd = <table> {
 WildInstincts = <table> {
 BloodFuryBuff = <table> {
 HowlofthePackBuff = <table> {
 CobraShot = <table> {
 DeathChakram = <table> {
 PoolFocus = <table> {
 AspectoftheWildBuff = <table> {
 CalloftheWild = <table> {
 SummonPet3 = <table> {
 Bite = <table> {
 Berserking = <table> {
 CalloftheWildBuff = <table> {
 BestialWrathBuff = <table> {
 SummonPet = <table> {
 BarbedShotDebuff = <table> {
 Growl = <table> {
 CounterShot = <table> {
 BeastCleaveBuff = <table> {
 BarbedShot = <table> {
 HuntmastersCall = <table> {
 RevivePet = <table> {
 MultiShot = <table> {
 BestialWrath = <table> {
 MendPet = <table> {
 OneWithThePack = <table> {
 Claw = <table> {
 SummonPet4 = <table> {
 FreezingTrap = <table> {
 WailingArrow = <table> {
 DireBeast = <table> {
 BloodFury = <table> {
 HydrasBite = <table> {
 WildCall = <table> {
 ArcaneTorrent = <table> {
 AlphaPredator = <table> {
 ScatteredPreyBuff = <table> {
 ExplosiveShot = <table> {
 BeastMaster = <table> {
 PackCoordinationBuff = <table> {
Player = <table> {
 UseCache = true
 UnitNPCID = -2
 UnitCanBeAttacked = false
 UnitGUID = "Player-60-0ECC422C"
 UnitID = "player"
 UnitExists = true
 TimeToXResourceMap = <table> {
 PredictedResourceMap = <table> {
 UnitName = "Ðackjaniels"
BossFightRemains = 18.066966