herpaderpaldent / seat-groups

SeAT group management
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[Feature Request] Markdown or BBCode in Group Descriptions #54

Open Eingang opened 5 years ago

Eingang commented 5 years ago

Summary Allow (and render) common/simple Markdown/BBCode formatting tags in group descriptions.

Discussion Some of our existing group descriptions include instructions about the group's requirements so that people don't apply if they're not going to qualify. These descriptions often include lists and links, and sometimes italics or bold to help make things more obvious and easier to read. For example:

For on-call black op bridging battleships and hooks (hunters). You will need to be regularly connected to Jabber, have your hook/BLOPs characters registered on your forum account, and meet the following requirements:

Hunter (Hook):

  1. Cynosural Field Theory, Level 5
  2. Covert Ops, Level 1

Black Ops Bridgers:

  1. Black Ops Level 1
  2. Jump Portal Generation Level 1
  3. Jump Drive Calibration Level 4
  4. Own Black Ops BS

Talk to Banana for more information. Group managed by Field Marshalls. See the requirements/information at https://forum.bladesofgrass.space/index.php/topic=24247

What we get, even if we manually add in numbers, etc., is a big ugly blob of text:

For on-call black op bridging battleships and hooks (hunters). You will need to be regularly connected to Jabber, have your hook/BLOPs characters registered on your forum account, and meet the following requirements: Hunter (Hook): Cynosural Field Theory, Level 5 Covert Ops, Level 1 Black Ops Bridgers: Black Ops Level 1 Jump Portal Generation Level 1 Jump Drive Calibration Level 4 Own Black Ops BS Talk to Banana for more information. Group managed by Field Marshalls. See the requirements/information at https://forum.bladesofgrass.space/index.php/topic=24247

Even displaying blank lines would be a big improvement, but some simple BBCode or Markdown code would be even better!

herpaderpaldent commented 5 years ago

good idea! I have another improvement on the backlog regarding group images. This request would complete the feature very well. Howerver as we use adminLTE as base style i only use these elements which are are within seat-core. Need to investigate if somewhere in SeAT core we already been using rich text fields such as these: https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/pages/forms/editors.html