The library currently has the following support for compressed point lists:
Read SGF content for games of type Go that contain compressed point lists. SGFC internally expands the compressed point lists so that a client using ISgfcDocumentReader sees uncompressed point values.
Write SGF content for games of type Go. SGFC attempts to compress point lists, unless SgfcOption::ExpandCompressedPointLists is specified.
What is missing:
Read SGF content for games not of type Go. Properties for which the library knows the value type to be "list of points" or "elist of points" should be examined whether they contain composed property values. A composed property value is a compressed point list, with the first point specifying the upper left corner and the second point specifying the lower right corner of the rectangle.
The library client should be able to create an object tree that contains compressed point lists. I.e. it should be able to add an ISgfcComposedPropertyValue object as value to an ISgfcProperty object for which the library knows the value type to be "list of points" or "elist of points". This must be possible regardless of the game type. This may already be possible, but it has not been tested. Now tested: This is already possible.
Write SGF content for which the object tree contains compressed point lists. This must be possible regardless of the game type. This may already be possible, but it has not been tested. Now tested: This is already possible.
The library currently has the following support for compressed point lists:
is specified.What is missing:
object as value to anISgfcProperty
object for which the library knows the value type to be "list of points" or "elist of points". This must be possible regardless of the game type.This may already be possible, but it has not been tested.Now tested: This is already possible.This may already be possible, but it has not been tested.Now tested: This is already possible.