Closed net2use closed 2 years ago
The APRS-IS servers send out some additional packets so that clients can implement TX iGate features properly. These can not be filtered out. says "Gate message packets and associated posits to RF if all of the following are true:" ... "4. the receiving station has not been heard via the Internet within a predefined time period."
For this to work, the APRS-IS server needs to send some packets to the igates: the APRS-IS server tracks the stations heard by the iGate, and sends any packets that were originated by those stations on the Internet side to the iGate.
I've some clients (arpx 2.9) which set an user defined filter "r/49.6780/12.160/20", but the server (aprsc 2.1.10) sends packets outside the definied ranges. Now I tried to expand filter to block this packets "r/49.6780/12.160/20 -t/t -p/CW/DW -u/APRARX/APLWS/APMI0". But the filter didn't match to the unwanted packets.
I attach a text file with the packets which bypass the following filter: "r/49.6780/12.160/20 r/49.5570/12.4060/15 -t/t -p/CW/DW -u/APRARX/APLWS/APMI0"
Is it a bug or it's my fail?
Thank you and a happy new year!