hesterj / Gator

Automated Theorem Prover in C++ with GMP
0 stars 1 forks source link

This is good work #1

Open Jovonni opened 6 years ago

Jovonni commented 6 years ago

You thinking of furthering this? Still to this day, I can't find a good theorem prover in c++.

hesterj commented 6 years ago


You might want to look in to Vampire, which is coded in C++. It is one of the best theorem provers in the world according to CASC, which is a competition for theorem provers.



vprover/vampirehttps://github.com/vprover/vampire github.com vampire - The Vampire Theorem Prover


From: Jovonni L. Pharr notifications@github.com Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 10:08:55 PM To: hesterj/Godel Cc: Subscribed Subject: [hesterj/Godel] This is good work (#1)

You thinking of furthering this? Still to this day, I can't find a good theorem prover in c++.

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Jovonni commented 6 years ago

I O U. Thanks