hetio / hetionet

Hetionet: an integrative network of disease
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upgrade neo4j to 4.0.6 #33

Open dhimmel opened 4 years ago

dhimmel commented 4 years ago

refs #32

work in progress

dhimmel commented 4 years ago

Running into an error when trying to run the neo4j docker locally:

docker run \
  --name=hetionet-container \
  --rm \
  --publish=7474:7474 \
  --publish=7687:7687 \
  --volume=$HOME/neo4j/hetionet-data:/data \
  --volume=$HOME/neo4j/hetionet-logs:/logs \
  --env NEO4J_EDITION=community \

Not retrieving database as it already exists
Not retrieving guides as they already exist
/docker-entrypoint.sh: line 243: NEO4J_EDITION: unbound variable

Looks like the error is happening in this line upstream.

Adding ENV NEO4J_EDITION=community to the Dockerfile or --env NEO4J_EDITION=community \ to the docker run command does not resolve the error.