hetland / octant

Ocean C-grid model setup and analysis tools, for the numerical mariner.
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Problem running octant.grid.Gridgen in python #3

Closed fagundesmo closed 9 years ago

fagundesmo commented 9 years ago


I pretty much copied and pasted here the issue I posted on Ocean Modeling Discussion since you asked to post all the issues related to Octant on github.

I am new ROMS and octant user, and I have been struggling to make a simple grid to ROMS using octant. I have been facing some problems related to libgridgen.so and libgu.so path. Even though, they are in /usr/local/lib python keeps me showing error related to it so when I typed in my terminal the following commands:

ipython --matplotlib

import octant import mpl_toolkits.basemap as Basemap from numpy import from pylab import

x=array([0,0,5,5]) y=array([5,0,0,5]) grd=octant.grid.Gridgen(x,y,array([1,1,1,1]), (15,27))

I got this error:


OSError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () ----> 1 grd=octant.grid.Gridgen(x,y,beta_1,(15,27)) /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/octant/grid.pyc in **init**(self, xbry, ybry, beta, shape, ul_idx, focus, proj, nnodes, precision, nppe, newton, thin, checksimplepoly, verbose) 898 # self._libgridgen = np.ctypeslib.load_library('libgridgen', '/usr/local/lib') 899 print octant.__path__[0] --> 900 self._libgridgen = np.ctypeslib.load_library('_gridgen', octant.__path__[0]) 901 902 self._libgridgen.gridgen_generategrid2.restype = ctypes.c_void_p /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/ctypeslib.pyc in load_library(libname, loader_path) 134 raise 135 ## if no successful return in the libname_ext loop: --> 136 raise OSError("no file with expected extension") 137 138 ctypes_load_library = deprecate(load_library, 'ctypes_load_library', OSError: no file with expected extension Furthermore, I correctly installed nn, csa, gridutils, and gridgen using icc with LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS. Also, all the examples and tests from nn, csa, gridutils, and gridgen were succsseful but the test from octant file. May you help me? Thank you, Matheus