hettiger / larapress

A Laravel 4 CMS – WARNING: This project is no longer being developed because there are many good alternatives now.
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Add a Captcha #19

Closed hettiger closed 10 years ago

hettiger commented 10 years ago

Add a Captcha to secure resetting a password

hettiger commented 10 years ago


Could become a nice filter to use for more than just the resetting password feature:

  1. Theres some action that requires a check if the current user is actually human
  2. Add a force.human filter to the controller method
  3. Whenever the filter is called it checks the session to see if a captcha has been solved in the last 10 minutes
  4. If it has been solved proceed
  5. If not redirect back with Session::flash('error', '...')

The captcha could become a partial view that can be included anywhere. Checking the captcha could be accomplished by an ajax request. On success the captcha disappears leaving a success message.

hettiger commented 10 years ago

Possible Captcha Solutions

Checked = Reviewed

hettiger commented 10 years ago

Will use greggilbert/recaptcha

hettiger commented 10 years ago


hettiger commented 10 years ago

Added tests for the api controllers.

Look at the comparison to see what's missing.

Warning: There might be some old tests that'll need an update!

hettiger commented 10 years ago