hettiger / larapress

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fix gulp building troubles #26

Closed matiit closed 10 years ago

matiit commented 10 years ago

I could't run gulp without troubles - buttons.less was not found. That fixed to me - maybe I was running gulp poorly - i never used it before.

hettiger commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your pull request matiit!

Okay now that's really strange. If i apply your changes i get the error you described. If i leave it the way it is in the master branch everything works fine :-/

Maybe that's some OS related problem? I'm running this on Mac OS X Mavericks. What about you?

Can you post the commands you used here like so:

cd $development/larapress
sudo npm install -g gulp
npm install
hettiger commented 10 years ago

Please also try this and let me know if it fixes your problem:

@import './../../../larapress/less/app/buttons';
matiit commented 10 years ago

1st I use archlinux.

Ok - so first 2 commands passed.

but gulp in freshly cloned larapress repo gave me that:


Then I changed import to:

@import './../../../larapress/less/app/buttons';

And gulp gave that output: http://laravel.io/bin/NmD4G

Almost the same ('./../../' vs '/../../')

matiit commented 10 years ago

And to be accurate - I did the same under ubuntu lucid in vagrant - the same as I have on my archlinux.

hettiger commented 10 years ago

Give me a second and ill try that with a fresh clone too ;-)

matiit commented 10 years ago


hettiger commented 10 years ago

Okay you're absolutely right, now I'm getting that error too. Could you pull request this on the develop branch so I can make a hot fix and keep the history intact?

matiit commented 10 years ago

Done. But git pull requests is new to me. I had to clone your repo. Make change Push it to my repo And pull request. What if you will make some changes in your repo - I will have to make all these steps again? :) Or if I will pull (from my local repo pointing to git@github.com:matiit/larapress.git) there'll be you changes too? It's pretty disturbing me.

hettiger commented 10 years ago


hettiger commented 10 years ago

You should be working on a feature/branch based on develop. If I push/merge changes into develop, you need to pull them and merge them into your feature/branch. Once you're done with your changes make sure your branch is up to date and pull request. GitHub will let you know if there are going to be merge conflicts but if you do it the way i described everything should be fine.

You can also have a look here: https://www.atlassian.com/en/git/workflows#!workflow-gitflow

matiit commented 10 years ago


2014-05-04 15:57 GMT+02:00 Martin Hettiger notifications@github.com:

You should be working on a feature/branch based on develop. If I push/merge changes into develop, you need to pull them and merge them into your feature/branch. Once you're done with your changes make sure your branch is up to date and pull request. GitHub will let you know if there are going to be merge conflicts but if you do it the way i described everything should be fine.

You can also have a look here: https://www.atlassian.com/de/git/workflows#!workflow-gitflow

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/larapress-cms/larapress/pull/26#issuecomment-42133531 .

Pozdrawiam, Mateusz Tracz.

hettiger commented 10 years ago

You're very welcome.

If you ever have a question you can also find me in the laravel irc channel. I'm always in there known as hettiger when I'm online.

matiit commented 10 years ago

Ok, i will:)

I was day by day on that channel but it was ~1 year ago... when L4 was still beta, now at work I'm doing kohana3 ;<

2014-05-04 16:05 GMT+02:00 Martin Hettiger notifications@github.com:

You're very welcome.

If you ever have a question you can also find me in the laravel irc channel. I'm always in there known as hettiger when I'm online.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/larapress-cms/larapress/pull/26#issuecomment-42133689 .

Pozdrawiam, Mateusz Tracz.

hettiger commented 10 years ago

I now know what the problem was. This pull request is introducing a bug I'm afraid. You need to install the bower dependencies so it works. Sorry!

I'll provide some better help on the setup in release v0.0.6!

matiit commented 10 years ago

Oh, ok... I had no idea to be honest.

2014-05-04 16:19 GMT+02:00 Martin Hettiger notifications@github.com:

Reopened #26 https://github.com/larapress-cms/larapress/pull/26.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/larapress-cms/larapress/pull/26 .

Pozdrawiam, Mateusz Tracz.

hettiger commented 10 years ago

That's my fault. Sorry.