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Ubuntu22.04 not using the rescue system credentials #59

Closed deemonrider closed 1 year ago

deemonrider commented 1 year ago


So I use ssh credentials to connect to the rescue system, installed ubuntu 22.04 with the basic config, rebooted the server and then I got asked for a username and password - the ssh key didn't work. (I only set a ssh key when ordering the server) I tried multiple times installing this even with params like -t or -G to take over the SSH keys but that also didn't work.

Now after 5 reinstallations I went to ubuntu 20.04 and there it worked fine and I could connect with my SSH-Key right after the installation.

mafalb commented 1 year ago

Reading your description it is not clear to me: Is the ssh key deployed but not working afterwards (which I believe could be the case if it's an older type of ssh key (dsa)) or is it not deployed at all?

deemonrider commented 1 year ago

It was a fresh generated RSA key from Putty Key Generator

The rsa ssh key is deployed on the rescue system and I connected with that key to the rescue system. Then I installed Ubuntu 22.04 with installimage, rebooted the server and therefore it didn't let me connect to the sever with that key.

When I did the same but with Ubuntu20.04 I could use as username "root" and the ssh key from the rescue system and it let me finally connect to the installed ubuntu.

I can't tell you if the key was not deployed or just didn't work but it didn't let me connect and I reinstalled it 5 times and never got it working while 20.04 instantly worked like I would expect it.

fsrv-xyz commented 1 year ago

Since Ubuntu 22.04, the most RSA keys (with SHA-1 hash algorithm) are not working any more. See https://askubuntu.com/a/1409528 for more information.