hetzneronline / installimage

Bash scripts to universally deploy various distributions
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On RX220 installimage does not create /boot/efi esp partition as raid1 #61

Closed compiaffe closed 1 year ago

compiaffe commented 1 year ago

When installing Ubuntu 22.04 on an RX220 we specify the partitions as such:

PART /boot/efi esp 256M
PART /boot ext3 1024M
PART lvm vg0 all

LV vg0 tmp /tmp reiserfs 20G
LV vg0 log /var/log ext4 30G
LV vg0 swap swap swap 10G
LV vg0 root / ext4 3200G
LV vg0 home /home ext4 300G

However, only /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 are being created. The size of them matches the /boot and lvm partitions. When installing on an AX101 with the same settings there were three /dev/mdx devices. The two mentioned above and another one matching the /boot/efi partition.

On the RX220 lsblk reports:

loop0            7:0    0  3.3G  1 loop
nvme1n1        259:0    0  3.5T  0 disk
├─nvme1n1p1    259:5    0    1G  0 part
│ └─md0          9:0    0 1022M  0 raid1
├─nvme1n1p2    259:6    0  256M  0 part
└─nvme1n1p3    259:8    0  3.5T  0 part
  └─md1          9:1    0  3.5T  0 raid1
    ├─vg0-tmp  253:0    0   20G  0 lvm
    ├─vg0-log  253:1    0   30G  0 lvm
    ├─vg0-swap 253:2    0   10G  0 lvm
    ├─vg0-root 253:3    0  3.1T  0 lvm
    └─vg0-home 253:4    0  300G  0 lvm
nvme0n1        259:1    0  3.5T  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1    259:2    0    1G  0 part
│ └─md0          9:0    0 1022M  0 raid1
├─nvme0n1p2    259:3    0  256M  0 part
└─nvme0n1p3    259:4    0  3.5T  0 part
  └─md1          9:1    0  3.5T  0 raid1
    ├─vg0-tmp  253:0    0   20G  0 lvm
    ├─vg0-log  253:1    0   30G  0 lvm
    ├─vg0-swap 253:2    0   10G  0 lvm
    ├─vg0-root 253:3    0  3.1T  0 lvm
    └─vg0-home 253:4    0  300G  0 lvm
asciiprod commented 1 year ago

Ubuntu 22.04 has support for multiple ESPs and we have added this to installimage. Previously we have used the RAID1 metadata 1.0 method, but this is a convenience workaround and not supported by the UEFI standard.

compiaffe commented 1 year ago

Fair enough. In that case the AX101 installimage for Ubuntu 22.04 seems to be out of date. Here the RAID1 method is still used:

nvme1n1          259:0    0   3.5T  0 disk
├─nvme1n1p1      259:6    0   256M  0 part
│ └─md0            9:0    0 255.9M  0 raid1 /boot/efi
├─nvme1n1p2      259:7    0   512M  0 part
│ └─md1            9:1    0   511M  0 raid1 /boot
├─nvme1n1p3      259:8    0   3.5T  0 part
│ └─md2            9:2    0   3.5T  0 raid1
│   └─cryptroot  253:0    0   3.5T  0 crypt
│     ├─vg0-tmp  253:1    0    20G  0 lvm   /tmp
│     ├─vg0-log  253:2    0    30G  0 lvm   /log
│     ├─vg0-swap 253:3    0    10G  0 lvm   [SWAP]
│     ├─vg0-root 253:4    0     3T  0 lvm   /
│     └─vg0-home 253:5    0 315.1G  0 lvm   /home
└─nvme1n1p4      259:9    0     1M  0 part
nvme0n1          259:1    0   3.5T  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1      259:2    0   256M  0 part
│ └─md0            9:0    0 255.9M  0 raid1 /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p2      259:3    0   512M  0 part
│ └─md1            9:1    0   511M  0 raid1 /boot
├─nvme0n1p3      259:4    0   3.5T  0 part
│ └─md2            9:2    0   3.5T  0 raid1
│   └─cryptroot  253:0    0   3.5T  0 crypt
│     ├─vg0-tmp  253:1    0    20G  0 lvm   /tmp
│     ├─vg0-log  253:2    0    30G  0 lvm   /log
│     ├─vg0-swap 253:3    0    10G  0 lvm   [SWAP]
│     ├─vg0-root 253:4    0     3T  0 lvm   /
│     └─vg0-home 253:5    0 315.1G  0 lvm   /home
└─nvme0n1p4      259:5    0     1M  0 part
asciiprod commented 1 year ago

The code is the same for all systems, but the AX101 does not use UEFI by default, hence the condition is not triggered: https://github.com/hetzneronline/installimage/blob/master/functions.sh#L1836