hetzneronline / installimage

Bash scripts to universally deploy various distributions
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Unable to setup machine via cli arguments (only via editing the config file) #94

Closed JasoonS closed 8 months ago

JasoonS commented 8 months ago

Previously this command has worked on my machines: installimage -a -n hypersync5 -r no -i /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/../images/Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-base.tar.gz -p /boot:ext3:512M,/:ext4:60G -f yes -d nvme0n1,nvme1n1,nvme2n1,nvme3n1

Full context:

oot@rescue ~ # lsblk
loop0         7:0    0    3G  1 loop
nvme1n1     259:0    0    7T  0 disk
└─nvme1n1p1 259:2    0    7T  0 part
nvme3n1     259:5    0  3.5T  0 disk
└─nvme3n1p1 259:10   0  3.5T  0 part
nvme2n1     259:7    0  1.7T  0 disk
└─nvme2n1p1 259:9    0  1.7T  0 part
nvme0n1     259:8    0  1.7T  0 disk
└─nvme0n1p1 259:3    0  1.7T  0 part
root@rescue ~ # /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/installimage --help
/root/.oldroot/nfs/install/installimage: illegal option -- -

usage:  installimage [options]

  without any options, installimage starts in interactive mode.
  possible options are:

  -h                    display this help

  -a                    automatic mode / batch mode - use this in combination
                        with the options below to install without further
                        interaction. there will be no further confirmations
                        for deleting disks / all your data, so use with care!

  -c <configfile>       use the specified config file in
                        /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/configs for autosetup. when using
                        this option, no other options except '-a' are accepted.

  -x <post-install>     Use this file as post-install script, that will be executed after
                        installation inside the chroot.

  -n <hostname>         set the specified hostNAME.
  -r <yes|no>           activate software RAID or not.
  -l <0|1|5|6|10>       set the specified raid LEVEL.
  -i <imagepath>        use the specified IMAGE to install (full path to the OS image)
                        - supported image sources: local dir, ftp, http, nfs
                        - supported image types: tar,tar.gz,tar.bz,tar.bz2,tar.xz,tar.zst,tgz,tbz,txz
                        - local: /path/to/image/filename.tar.gz
                        - ftp:   ftp://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tar.bz2
                        - http:  http://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tbz
                        - https: https://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tbz
                        - nfs:   hostname:/path/to/image/filename.tgz
  -g                    Use this to force validation of the image file with detached GPG signature.
                        If the image is not valid, the installation will abort.
  -p <partitions>       define the PARTITIONS to create, example:
                        - regular partitions:  swap:swap:4G,/:ext3:all
                        - lvm setup example:   /boot:ext2:256M,lvm:vg0:all
  -v <logical volumes>  define the logical VOLUMES you want to be created
                        - example: vg0:root:/:ext3:20G,vg0:swap:swap:swap:4G
  -d <drives>           /dev names of DRIVES to use, e.g.: sda or sda,sdb
  -f <yes|no>           FORMAT the second drive (if not used for raid)?
  -s <de|en>            Language to use for different things (e.g.PLESK)
  -z PLESK_<Version>    Install optional software like PLESK with version <Version>
  -K <path/url>         Install SSH-Keys from file/URL
  -t <yes|no>           Take over rescue system SSH public keys
  -u <yes|no>           Allow usb drives
  -G <yes|no>           Generate new SSH host keys (default: yes)

root@rescue ~ # /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/installimage -a -n hypersync5 -r no -i /root/.oldroot/nfs/images/Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-base.tar.gz -p /boot:ext3:512M,/:ext4:60G,/rest:ext4:all -f yes -d nvme0n1,nvme1n1,nvme2n1,nvme3n1
asciiprod commented 8 months ago

Please open a support request via your Hetzner account. This is not a support channel for Hetzner products or installimage.