heuermh / lick

LiCK, Library for ChucK
GNU General Public License v3.0
147 stars 21 forks source link

Build errors due to chuck #49

Closed heuermh closed 1 year ago

heuermh commented 1 year ago

$ chuck --loop &
$ chuck + import.ck
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 145 (Comparator.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 146 (Iterator.ck)...
List.ck:35:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int List.size(int capacity)' return a value
[35]     fun int size(int capacity)
ListIterator.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'List'...
[26]     List @ list;
ListIterator.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     List @ list;
ArrayList.ck:57:21: error: undefined type 'List'...
[57]     fun void addAll(List list)
ArrayList.ck:57:21: error: ...in argument 1 'list' of function 'addAll(.)'
[57]     fun void addAll(List list)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 147 (IntComparator.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 148 (IntIterator.ck)...
IntList.ck:136:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun IntList IntList.collect(IntPredicate predicate)' return a value
[136]     fun IntList collect(IntPredicate predicate)
IntListIterator.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'IntList'...
[26]     IntList @ list;
IntListIterator.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     IntList @ list;
IntArrayList.ck:57:21: error: undefined type 'IntList'...
[57]     fun void addAll(IntList list)
IntArrayList.ck:57:21: error: ...in argument 1 'list' of function 'addAll(.)'
[57]     fun void addAll(IntList list)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 149 (FloatComparator.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 150 (FloatIterator.ck)...
FloatList.ck:35:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int FloatList.size(int capacity)' return a value
[35]     fun int size(int capacity)
FloatListIterator.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'FloatList'...
[26]     FloatList @ list;
FloatListIterator.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     FloatList @ list;
FloatArrayList.ck:57:21: error: undefined type 'FloatList'...
[57]     fun void addAll(FloatList list)
FloatArrayList.ck:57:21: error: ...in argument 1 'list' of function 'addAll(.)'
[57]     fun void addAll(FloatList list)
Set.ck:35:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int Set.size(int capacity)' return a value
[35]     fun int size(int capacity)
ArraySet.ck:63:21: error: undefined type 'Set'...
[63]     fun void addAll(Set set)
ArraySet.ck:63:21: error: ...in argument 1 'set' of function 'addAll(.)'
[63]     fun void addAll(Set set)
Node.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[26]     ArrayList inEdges;
Node.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     ArrayList inEdges;
Edge.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'Node'...
[26]     Node @ source;
Edge.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     Node @ source;
Graph.ck:25:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[25]     ArrayList nodes;
Graph.ck:25:5: error: ...in declaration
[25]     ArrayList nodes;
Graphs.ck:25:40: error: undefined type 'Graph'...
[25]     fun static void breadthFirstSearch(Graph graph, Node node, UnaryProcedure procedure)
Graphs.ck:25:40: error: ...in argument 1 'graph' of function 'breadthFirstSearch(.)'
[25]     fun static void breadthFirstSearch(Graph graph, Node node, UnaryProcedure procedure)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 151 (AbstractAdsr.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 152 (Adsr.ck)...
CompositeAdsr.ck:30:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[30]     ArrayList adsrs;
CompositeAdsr.ck:30:5: error: ...in declaration
[30]     ArrayList adsrs;
RandomAdsr.ck:23:33: error: undefined type 'CompositeAdsr'...
[23] public class RandomAdsr extends CompositeAdsr
RandomAdsr.ck:23:25: error: undefined super class 'CompositeAdsr' in definition of class 'RandomAdsr'
[23] public class RandomAdsr extends CompositeAdsr
RoundRobinAdsr.ck:23:37: error: undefined type 'CompositeAdsr'...
[23] public class RoundRobinAdsr extends CompositeAdsr
RoundRobinAdsr.ck:23:29: error: undefined super class 'CompositeAdsr' in definition of class 'RoundRobinAdsr'
[23] public class RoundRobinAdsr extends CompositeAdsr
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 153 (EnvelopeFollower.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 154 (EnvelopeTrigger.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 155 (PitchFollower.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 156 (SigmuFollower.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 157 (SigmuGainFollower.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 158 (SigmuPitchFollower.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 159 (Interval.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 160 (Intervals.ck)...
Chord.ck:29:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[29]     ArrayList intervals;
Chord.ck:29:5: error: ...in declaration
[29]     ArrayList intervals;
Chords.ck:1045:9: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[1045]         ArrayList intervals;
Chords.ck:1045:9: error: ...in declaration
[1045]         ArrayList intervals;
Chords.ck: ...in function 'chord'
Scale.ck:28:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[28]     ArrayList intervals;
Scale.ck:28:5: error: ...in declaration
[28]     ArrayList intervals;
Scales.ck:454:9: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[454]         ArrayList intervals;
Scales.ck:454:9: error: ...in declaration
[454]         ArrayList intervals;
Scales.ck: ...in function 'scale'
Transpose.ck:30:16: error: undefined type 'Chord'...
[30]     fun static Chord transposeChord(Chord chord, Interval interval)
Transpose.ck:30:5: error: ...in return type of function 'transposeChord'
[30]     fun static Chord transposeChord(Chord chord, Interval interval)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 161 (DurProvider.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 162 (Humanize.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 163 (HumanizedDurProvider.ck)...
TimeSignature.ck:29:23: error: class 'TimeSignature' has no member 'd'
[29]         timeSignature.d => duration;
TimeSignature.ck: ...in function 'dur BreveProvider.evaluate()'
IntervalDurProvider.ck:28:5: error: undefined type 'TimeSignature'...
[28]     TimeSignature @ timeSignature;
IntervalDurProvider.ck:28:5: error: ...in declaration
[28]     TimeSignature @ timeSignature;
Pattern.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'IntArrayList'...
[26]     IntArrayList pattern;
Pattern.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     IntArrayList pattern;
PatternedDurProcedure.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'Pattern'...
[26]     Pattern p;
PatternedDurProcedure.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     Pattern p;
PatternedFloatProcedure.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'Pattern'...
[26]     Pattern p;
PatternedFloatProcedure.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     Pattern p;
PatternedIntProcedure.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'Pattern'...
[26]     Pattern p;
PatternedIntProcedure.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     Pattern p;
PatternedProcedure.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'Pattern'...
[26]     Pattern p;
PatternedProcedure.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     Pattern p;
Patterns.ck:38:16: error: undefined type 'Pattern'...
[38]     fun static Pattern p1()
Patterns.ck:38:5: error: ...in return type of function 'p1'
[38]     fun static Pattern p1()
Sequence.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'FloatArrayList'...
[26]     FloatArrayList sequence;
Sequence.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     FloatArrayList sequence;
Sequences.ck:26:16: error: undefined type 'Sequence'...
[26]     fun static Sequence sequence(string s)
Sequences.ck:26:5: error: ...in return type of function 'sequence'
[26]     fun static Sequence sequence(string s)
Warp.ck:38:16: error: undefined type 'Pattern'...
[38]     fun static Pattern forward(Pattern p)
Warp.ck:38:5: error: ...in return type of function 'forward'
[38]     fun static Pattern forward(Pattern p)
Arpeggiator.ck:25:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[25]     ArrayList @ intervals;
Arpeggiator.ck:25:5: error: ...in declaration
[25]     ArrayList @ intervals;
Arpeggiators.ck:329:33: error: undefined type 'Chord'...
[329]     fun static UpArpeggiator up(Chord chord, FloatProcedure procedure)
Arpeggiators.ck:329:33: error: ...in argument 1 'chord' of function 'up(.)'
[329]     fun static UpArpeggiator up(Chord chord, FloatProcedure procedure)
Sequencer.ck:25:5: error: undefined type 'Sequence'...
[25]     Sequence sequence;
Sequencer.ck:25:5: error: ...in declaration
[25]     Sequence sequence;
Sequencers.ck:243:41: error: undefined type 'Sequence'...
[243]     fun static ForwardSequencer forward(Sequence sequence, FloatProcedure procedure)
Sequencers.ck:243:41: error: ...in argument 1 'sequence' of function 'forward(.)'
[243]     fun static ForwardSequencer forward(Sequence sequence, FloatProcedure procedure)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 164 (MidiNote.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 165 (Tuning.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 166 (Tunings.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 167 (SYTunings.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 168 (Assert.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 169 (Animoog.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 170 (EchoPad.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 171 (Filtatron.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 172 (GarageBand.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 173 (Loopy.ck)...
MeeBlip.ck:34:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int MeeBlip.open(int device)' return a value
[34]     fun int open(int device)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 174 (SooperLooper.ck)...
TwoPots.ck:33:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int TwoPots.open(int device)' return a value
[33]     fun int open(int device)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 175 (ControlChangeMidiMsg.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 176 (NoteOffMidiMsg.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 177 (NoteOnMidiMsg.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 178 (AnimoogMidi.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 179 (EchoPadMidi.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 180 (GarageBandMidi.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 181 (FiltatronMidi.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 182 (LoopyMidi.ck)...
MeeBlipMidi.ck:34:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int MeeBlipMidi.open(int device)' return a value
[34]     fun int open(int device)
EuclidMidi.ck:49:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[49]     ArrayList patterns;
EuclidMidi.ck:49:5: error: ...in declaration
[49]     ArrayList patterns;
StompMidi.ck:42:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int StompMidi.open(int device)' return a value
[42]     fun int open(int device)
TwoPotsMidi.ck:24:34: error: undefined type 'TwoPots'...
[24] public class TwoPotsMidi extends TwoPots
TwoPotsMidi.ck:24:26: error: undefined super class 'TwoPots' in definition of class 'TwoPotsMidi'
[24] public class TwoPotsMidi extends TwoPots
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 183 (PodHd500Midi.ck)...
Controller128.ck:38:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int Controller128.open(int device)' return a value
[38]     fun int open(int device)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 184 (Keyboard.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 185 (Joystick.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 186 (LogitechGamepadF310.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 187 (Monome.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 188 (Mouse.ck)...
NanoPad.ck:59:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int NanoPad.open(int device)' return a value
[59]     fun int open(int device)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 189 (Nes.ck)...
MAudioOzone.ck:127:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int Ozone.open(int device)' return a value
[127]     fun int open(int device)
AlesisQX25.ck:144:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int AlesisQX25.open(int device)' return a value
[144]     fun int open(int device)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 190 (StompKeyboard.ck)...
RolandA49.ck:91:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int RolandA49.open(int device)' return a value
[91]     fun int open(int device)
KorgSq64.ck:91:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int KorgSq64.open(int device)' return a value
[91]     fun int open(int device)
PodHd500.ck:67:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun int PodHd500.open(int device)' return a value
[67]     fun int open(int device)
ControlOscServer.ck:134:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[134]     ArrayList events;
ControlOscServer.ck:134:5: error: ...in declaration
[134]     ArrayList events;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 191 (EuclidOsc.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 192 (IanniXOsc.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 193 (LeapMotionOsc.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 194 (SooperLooperOsc.ck)...
TouchOscServer.ck:158:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[158]     ArrayList events;
TouchOscServer.ck:158:5: error: ...in declaration
[158]     ArrayList events;
Sample.ck:52:16: error: class 'Sample' has no member 'minGain'
[52]         sample.minGain + ((gain $ float) / ((minGain + maxGain) $ float)) * (sample.maxGain - sample.minGain) => sample.gain;
Sample.ck: ...in function 'void SampleIntProcedure.run(int gain)'
Reconnect.ck:25:31: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[25]     fun static void reconnect(Sample sample, UGen ugen)
Reconnect.ck:25:31: error: ...in argument 1 'sample' of function 'reconnect(.)'
[25]     fun static void reconnect(Sample sample, UGen ugen)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 195 (AdsrSample.ck)...
CompositeSample.ck:25:5: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[25]     Sample @ sample;
CompositeSample.ck:25:5: error: ...in declaration
[25]     Sample @ sample;
RandomSample.ck:25:9: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[25]     fun Sample _sample()
RandomSample.ck:25:5: error: ...in return type of function '_sample'
[25]     fun Sample _sample()
PitchSensitiveSample.ck:25:9: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[25]     fun Sample _sample()
PitchSensitiveSample.ck:25:5: error: ...in return type of function '_sample'
[25]     fun Sample _sample()
VelocitySensitiveSample.ck:25:9: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[25]     fun Sample _sample()
VelocitySensitiveSample.ck:25:5: error: ...in return type of function '_sample'
[25]     fun Sample _sample()
HandedSample.ck:25:5: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[25]     Sample @ sample;
HandedSample.ck:25:5: error: ...in declaration
[25]     Sample @ sample;
Samples.ck:25:16: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[25]     fun static Sample createSample(string path)
Samples.ck:25:5: error: ...in return type of function 'createSample'
[25]     fun static Sample createSample(string path)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 196 (Append.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 197 (DurAppend.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 198 (FloatAppend.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 199 (IntAppend.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 200 (Prepend.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 201 (DurPrepend.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 202 (FloatPrepend.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 203 (IntPrepend.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 204 (Repeat.ck)...
Sleep.ck:39:15: error: class 'Sleep' has no member 'value'
[39]         sleep.value => dur oldValue;
Sleep.ck: ...in function 'void SleepIntProcedure.run(int n)'
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 205 (Loop.ck)...
Loops.ck:63:9: error: undefined type 'Sleep'...
[63]         Sleep sleep;
Loops.ck:63:9: error: ...in declaration
[63]         Sleep sleep;
Loops.ck: ...in function 'append'
LoopBuilder.ck:30:9: error: undefined variable/member 'Loops' in class/namespace 'LoopBuilder'
[30]         Loops.append(_procedure, wait) @=> _procedure;
LoopBuilder.ck: ...in function 'LoopBuilder LoopBuilder.append(dur wait)'
AkaiMpc60.ck:113:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[113]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
AkaiMpc60.ck:113:28: error: ...in declaration
[113]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
AkaiMpc60.ck: ...in function 'run'
BossDr110.ck:78:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[78]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
BossDr110.ck:78:28: error: ...in declaration
[78]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
BossDr110.ck: ...in function 'run'
CasioSa10.ck:120:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[120]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
CasioSa10.ck:120:28: error: ...in declaration
[120]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
CasioSa10.ck: ...in function 'run'
ElectroHarmonixDrm15.ck:106:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[106]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
ElectroHarmonixDrm15.ck:106:28: error: ...in declaration
[106]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
ElectroHarmonixDrm15.ck: ...in function 'run'
EmuDrumulator.ck:113:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[113]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
EmuDrumulator.ck:113:28: error: ...in declaration
[113]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
EmuDrumulator.ck: ...in function 'run'
LellUds.ck:113:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[113]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
LellUds.ck:113:28: error: ...in declaration
[113]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
LellUds.ck: ...in function 'run'
OberheimDmx.ck:134:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[134]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
OberheimDmx.ck:134:28: error: ...in declaration
[134]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
OberheimDmx.ck: ...in function 'run'
RolandCr78.ck:127:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[127]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandCr78.ck:127:28: error: ...in declaration
[127]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandCr78.ck: ...in function 'run'
RolandTr66.ck:104:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[104]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandTr66.ck:104:28: error: ...in declaration
[104]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandTr66.ck: ...in function 'run'
RolandTr606.ck:85:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[85]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandTr606.ck:85:28: error: ...in declaration
[85]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandTr606.ck: ...in function 'run'
RolandTr808.ck:197:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[197]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandTr808.ck:197:28: error: ...in declaration
[197]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandTr808.ck: ...in function 'run'
RolandTr909.ck:148:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[148]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandTr909.ck:148:28: error: ...in declaration
[148]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
RolandTr909.ck: ...in function 'run'
BigMono.ck:427:28: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[427]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
BigMono.ck:427:28: error: ...in declaration
[427]         value $ Sample @=> Sample sample;
BigMono.ck: ...in function 'run'
KorgMs20.ck:96:9: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[96]     fun ArrayList list()
KorgMs20.ck:96:5: error: ...in return type of function 'list'
[96]     fun ArrayList list()
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 206 (Pk3.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 207 (Pke.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 208 (GainShaper.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 209 (WaveShaper.ck)...
BucketBrigade.ck:55:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun float F._even()' return a value
[55]     fun float _even()
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 210 (Clip.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 211 (Dist.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 212 (FullRectifier.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 213 (Invert.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 214 (Offset.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 215 (Phase.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 216 (AtanDist.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 217 (TanhDist.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 218 (RibbonDist.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 219 (FrostburnDist.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 220 (KijjazDist.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 221 (KijjazDist2.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 222 (KijjazDist3.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 223 (KijjazDist4.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 224 (Module.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 225 (Module2.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 226 (Module3.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 227 (Module4.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 228 (Module5.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 229 (Module6.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 230 (Module7.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 231 (Module8.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 232 (Hyper.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 233 (SampleHold.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 234 (SlewStep.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 235 (SmoothSampleHold.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 236 (Lfo.ck)...
Quad.ck:47:13: error: calling 'phase()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[47]         0.0 => lfo1.phase;
Quad.ck:49:11: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun float Lfo.phase(float f)')
[49]         0.5 => lfo3.phase;
Quad.ck:129:26: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun float Lfo.phase(float f)' or its subsidiaries)
[129]     fun float sampleHoldMix()
Quad.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'phase()' after the variable initialization)
SVF.ck:64:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun float SVF.freq(float f)' return a value
[64]     fun float freq(float f)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 237 (Effect.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 238 (LfoEffect.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 239 (Feedback.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 240 (LfoFeedback.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 241 (AdsrTremolo.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 242 (AnalogDelay.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 243 (APF.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 244 (Blueshift.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 245 (Buffer.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 246 (Cee.ck)...
Chew.ck:36:31: error: class 'Chew' has no member '_g0'
[36]             return dc0 + chew._g0.last();
Chew.ck: ...in function 'float ChewFunction.evaluate(float in)'
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 247 (Cooper.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 248 (CrossOver2.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 249 (CrossOver3.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 250 (Crush.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 251 (CryBaby.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 252 (AutoWah.ck)...
DigitalDelay.ck:39:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun dur DigitalDelay.delay(dur d)' return a value
[39]     fun dur delay(dur d)
Drop.ck:63:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun dur Drop.rate(dur d)' return a value
[63]     fun dur rate(dur d)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 253 (DualRect.ck)...
Ecco.ck:25:5: error: undefined type 'TimeSignature'...
[25]     TimeSignature @ ts;
Ecco.ck:25:5: error: ...in declaration
[25]     TimeSignature @ ts;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 254 (EchoArray.ck)...
Electoronic.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'TimeSignature'...
[26]     TimeSignature @ ts;
Electoronic.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     TimeSignature @ ts;
EnvelopeTremolo.ck:49:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun dur EnvelopeTremolo.duration(dur d)' return a value
[49]     fun dur duration(dur d)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 255 (FilterDelay.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 256 (Flutter.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 257 (Foldback.ck)...
Freeze.ck:31:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[31]     ArrayList _lisas;
Freeze.ck:31:5: error: ...in declaration
[31]     ArrayList _lisas;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 258 (FullDouble.ck)...
Ghost.ck:35:17: error: calling 'create()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[35]     AnalogDelay.create() => AnalogDelay black;
Ghost.ck:35:32: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun AnalogDelay AnalogDelay.create()')
[35]     AnalogDelay.create() => AnalogDelay black;
Ghost.ck:40:33: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun AnalogDelay AnalogDelay.create()' or its subsidiaries)
[40]     inlet => black => silver => white => wet;
Ghost.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'create()' after the variable initialization)
Golden.ck:29:37: error: undefined type 'TimeSignature'...
[29]     fun static Golden goldenEighths(TimeSignature ts)
Golden.ck:29:37: error: ...in argument 1 'ts' of function 'goldenEighths(.)'
[29]     fun static Golden goldenEighths(TimeSignature ts)
Hall.ck:32:28: error: undefined type 'NHHall'...
[32]     pre => Delay _delay => NHHall _hall => post;
Hall.ck:32:28: error: ...in declaration
[32]     pre => Delay _delay => NHHall _hall => post;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 259 (Harmonizer.ck)...
Harmonizers.ck:40:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[40]     ArrayList @ intervals;
Harmonizers.ck:40:5: error: ...in declaration
[40]     ArrayList @ intervals;
LoopReverb.ck:112:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun float LoopReverb.coefficient(float f)' return a value
[112]     fun float coefficient(float f)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 260 (Masa.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 261 (Mesmerizer.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 262 (ModulatedDelay.ck)...
Mixer.ck:25:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[25]     ArrayList @ inputs;
Mixer.ck:25:5: error: ...in declaration
[25]     ArrayList @ inputs;
Breeze.ck:29:25: error: undefined type 'Mixer'...
[29]     Mixer.create(5) @=> Mixer mixer;
Breeze.ck:29:25: error: ...in declaration
[29]     Mixer.create(5) @=> Mixer mixer;
Overcome.ck:26:17: error: calling 'create()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[26]     AnalogDelay.create() @=> AnalogDelay _delay0;
Overcome.ck:26:19: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun AnalogDelay AnalogDelay.create()')
[26]     AnalogDelay.create() @=> AnalogDelay _delay0;
Overcome.ck:48:42: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun AnalogDelay AnalogDelay.create()' or its subsidiaries)
[48]         |                                     |
Overcome.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'create()' after the variable initialization)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 263 (PinkDelay.ck)...
Prime.ck:34:9: error: calling 'nearest()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[34]         nearest(200);
Prime.ck:81:2340: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun int Prime.nearest(int i)')
Prime.ck:81:2462: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun int Prime.nearest(int i)' or its subsidiaries)
Prime.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'nearest()' after the variable initialization)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 264 (Ring.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 265 (RecoveryDelay.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 266 (Redshift.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 267 (ReverseBuffer.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 268 (Reverse.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 269 (Revenge.ck)...
Raise.ck:63:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun dur Raise.rate(dur d)' return a value
[63]     fun dur rate(dur d)
Select.ck:59:9: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[59]         ArrayList _inputs;
Select.ck:59:9: error: ...in declaration
[59]         ArrayList _inputs;
Select.ck: ...in function 'create'
ShiftEcco.ck:25:5: error: undefined type 'TimeSignature'...
[25]     TimeSignature @ ts;
ShiftEcco.ck:25:5: error: ...in declaration
[25]     TimeSignature @ ts;
Shim.ck:37:13: error: calling 'rate()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[37]         0.5 => rate;
Shim.ck:41:3: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun float LfoFeedback.rate(float f)')
[41]         600::ms => max;
Shim.ck:73:16: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun float LfoFeedback.rate(float f)' or its subsidiaries)
[73]             delay() + _lfo.last() * delay() => delay;
Shim.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'rate()' after the variable initialization)
Slick.ck:36:14: error: calling 'depth()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[36]         0.25 => depth;
Slick.ck:47:14: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun float LfoFeedback.depth(float f)')
[47]     fun dur delay(dur d)
Slick.ck:103:23: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun float LfoFeedback.depth(float f)' or its subsidiaries)
[103]         1.0::second/delay => slick.rate;
Slick.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'depth()' after the variable initialization)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 270 (Smother.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 271 (Solstice.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 272 (TimeModulator.ck)...
Thicken.ck:27:9: error: calling 'mix()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[27]     0.5 => mix;
Thicken.ck:29:12: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun float Effect.mix(float f)')
[29]     1::ms => delay.delay;
Thicken.ck:37:87: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun float Effect.mix(float f)' or its subsidiaries)
Thicken.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'mix()' after the variable initialization)
Totter.ck:30:17: error: calling 'create()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[30]     AnalogDelay.create() @=> AnalogDelay _quarters;
Totter.ck:30:22: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun AnalogDelay AnalogDelay.create()')
[30]     AnalogDelay.create() @=> AnalogDelay _quarters;
Totter.ck:31:25: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun AnalogDelay AnalogDelay.create()' or its subsidiaries)
[31]     AnalogDelay.create() @=> AnalogDelay _thirds;
Totter.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'create()' after the variable initialization)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 273 (Tremolo.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 274 (Tricoder.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 275 (Triphaser.ck)...
Triptych.ck:31:5: error: undefined type 'DigitalDelay'...
[31]     DigitalDelay _stage1;
Triptych.ck:31:5: error: ...in declaration
[31]     DigitalDelay _stage1;
Verb.ck:75:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun float Verb.tail(float f)' return a value
[75]     fun float tail(float f)
Vibrato.ck:33:9: error: calling 'sinLfo()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[33]         sinLfo();
Vibrato.ck:37:13: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun void LfoEffect.sinLfo()')
[37]         1::second => _delay.max;
Vibrato.ck:76:2184: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun void LfoEffect.sinLfo()' or its subsidiaries)
Vibrato.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'sinLfo()' after the variable initialization)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 276 (Wire.ck)...
Wolftone.ck:28:15: error: calling 'wolfFourth()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[28]     Intervals.wolfFourth() @=> Interval _interval;
Wolftone.ck:28:24: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun WolfFourth Intervals.wolfFourth()')
[28]     Intervals.wolfFourth() @=> Interval _interval;
Wolftone.ck:99:23378: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun WolfFourth Intervals.wolfFourth()' or its subsidiaries)
Wolftone.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'wolfFourth()' after the variable initialization)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 277 (Woosh.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 278 (Currant.ck)...
Glider.ck:25:29: error: undefined type 'DigitalDelay'...
[25]      inlet => Cee chorus => DigitalDelay shortDelay => FilterDelay longDelay => GVerb reverb => wet;
Glider.ck:25:29: error: ...in declaration
[25]      inlet => Cee chorus => DigitalDelay shortDelay => FilterDelay longDelay => GVerb reverb => wet;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 279 (MotelSix.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 280 (OilCan.ck)...
Cascade.ck:27:4: error: undefined type 'Verb'...
[27]    Verb short;
Cascade.ck:27:4: error: ...in declaration
[27]    Verb short;
Caves.ck:27:5: error: undefined type 'DigitalDelay'...
[27]     DigitalDelay _delay0;
Caves.ck:27:5: error: ...in declaration
[27]     DigitalDelay _delay0;
Delta.ck:29:4: error: undefined type 'Verb'...
[29]    Verb _short;
Delta.ck:29:4: error: ...in declaration
[29]    Verb _short;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 281 (Expo.ck)...
Pass.ck:30:5: error: undefined type 'Hall'...
[30]     Hall initialReverb;
Pass.ck:30:5: error: ...in declaration
[30]     Hall initialReverb;
Ruins.ck:32:5: error: undefined type 'Verb'...
[32]     Verb reverb;
Ruins.ck:32:5: error: ...in declaration
[32]     Verb reverb;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 282 (Spekt.ck)...
Disaster.ck:32:17: error: calling 'create()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[32]     AnalogDelay.create() @=> AnalogDelay _a;
Disaster.ck:32:20: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun AnalogDelay AnalogDelay.create()')
[32]     AnalogDelay.create() @=> AnalogDelay _a;
Disaster.ck:38:11: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun AnalogDelay AnalogDelay.create()' or its subsidiaries)
[38]     Gain _bypass;
Disaster.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'create()' after the variable initialization)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 283 (SinTrem.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 284 (SqrTrem.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 285 (TriTrem.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 286 (Trem.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 287 (MonoDelay.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 288 (StereoDelay.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 289 (FeedbackMachine.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 290 (FeedbackMachines.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 291 (StereoFeedbackMachine.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 292 (StereoFeedbackMachines.ck)...
Smear.ck:26:5: error: undefined type 'ArrayList'...
[26]     ArrayList _delays;
Smear.ck:26:5: error: ...in declaration
[26]     ArrayList _delays;
ScaleSmear.ck:47:5: error: undefined type 'Scale'...
[47]     Scale @ scale;
ScaleSmear.ck:47:5: error: ...in declaration
[47]     Scale @ scale;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 293 (Swirl.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 294 (CircleRamp.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 295 (DoublePulse.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 296 (Dream.ck)...
Fat.ck:34:15: error: calling 'perfectFifth()' at this point skips initialization of a needed variable:
[34]     Intervals.perfectFifth() @=> Interval _up;
Fat.ck:34:26: error: ...(note: this skipped variable initialization is needed by 'fun PerfectFifth Intervals.perfectFifth()')
[34]     Intervals.perfectFifth() @=> Interval _up;
Fat.ck:129:12715: error: ...(note: this is where the variable is used within 'fun PerfectFifth Intervals.perfectFifth()' or its subsidiaries)
Fat.ck: ...(hint: try calling 'perfectFifth()' after the variable initialization)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 297 (Fold.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 298 (Fold2.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 299 (Lurverly.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 300 (Mdrone.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 301 (Poly.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 302 (SawRamp.ck)...
Sauce.ck:81:9: error: not all control paths in 'fun float Sauce.freq(float f)' return a value
[81]     fun float freq(float f)
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 303 (SubGen.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 304 (SeptSubGen.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 305 (VoiceOfSaturn.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 306 (Wrapper.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 307 (Boom.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 308 (Duff.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 309 (Fwak.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 310 (Fwak2.ck)...
Kick.ck:48:5: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[48]     Sample @ _sample;
Kick.ck:48:5: error: ...in declaration
[48]     Sample @ _sample;
Thud.ck:35:5: error: undefined type 'Sample'...
[35]     Sample @ _sample;
Thud.ck:35:5: error: ...in declaration
[35]     Sample @ _sample;
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 311 (Thump.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 312 (Thwok.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 313 (Cch.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 314 (Czh.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 315 (Dnn.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 316 (Tss.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 317 (Snare.ck)...
[chuck]: (VM) sporking incoming shred: 318 (Hat.ck)...
heuermh commented 1 year ago

Progress in commit 1c8612b

heuermh commented 1 year ago

Add'l progress in commit 0aa2b1f

heuermh commented 1 year ago

Fixed as of release